The aim of this study is to develop Sohag protocol for assessment of hypernasality in patients with velopharyngeal valve incompetence (VPI).
After revision of available protocols of assessment of nasality we choose 3 main protocols to develop our protocol which are protocol of Ain Shams Phoniatrics Unit (Kotby et al., 1997), Great Oromond Multidisplinary cleft clinic (sell et al., 1999) and Ann Kummer assessment ptotocol (Kummer, 2005). The developing protocol was presented and revised by the phoniatricans of Sohag university phoniastrics unit and the Surgeons of cleft palate team then it was applied on twenty four consecutive patients with previously repaired cleft palates and symptomatic velopharyngeal incompetence were selected by Sohag protocol of assessment of hypernasality from patients who came to Sohag multidisplinary cleft clinic and managed surgically by a single operation and singe surgeon.
The results of the operation were statistically significant reflecting improvement in patients after the operation.