● AIM: To evaluate corneal topographic changes and surgically
induced astigmatism (SIA) after combined phacoemulsification
and 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless
vitrectomy (25-G TSV).
● METHODS: A retrospective study on 96 eyes of 87
patients who underwent combined phacoemulsification
and 25-G TSV. The different topographic parameters and
SIA were analyzed pre- and postoperatively.
● RESULTS: There was no significant changes in corneal
topographic parameters at different follow up periods. Only
surface regularity index changed significantly in the 2nd
postoperative week and then returned to baseline values
thereafter. Mean SIA gradually decreased to reach 0.12 D
by the 6th postoperative month.
● CONCLUSION: Corneal surface and astigmatic changes
are insignificant in either early or late postoperative periods
following combined phacoemulsification and 25-G
TSV. The SIA was the minimum among previous reports
on sutureless vitrectomy alone or combined with phacoemulsification.
Improvement of SIA did not stop at the 3rd
postoperative month but it continued till the 6th month postoperatively.
● KEYWORDS: corneal topographic indices; surgically
induced astigmatism; 25-gauge sutureless vitrectomy; phacoemulsification