
رنا ناصر سعدالدين محمد حسن

مدرس مساعد -

كلية الطب

العنوان: 11 شارع عثمان ابوزيد المتفرع من شارع الجمهورية بجوار بيت الرحمة




2018-10-13 23:36:53 |

Cryoglobulins -   immunoglobulins that precipitate in vitro at temperatures < 37°C and redissolve after rewarming. • Cryoglobulinemia - refers to the presence of cryoglobulins in serum. • Cryoglobulinemic disease or cryoglobulinemic vasculitis - used to describe patients with symptoms related to the presence of cryoglobulins


2018-10-13 23:47:27 Cryoglobulinemia
}Type I: isolated monoclonal immunoglobulin, generally either IgM or IgG }• Type II cryoglobulins: mixture of monoclonal IgM and polyclonal IgG. The IgM component of type II cryoglobulins has rheumatoid factor ac إقراء المزيد