Clinical round teaching is held every monday from 9:45 am to 11:30 am for medical students -year 5

Teaching is performed weekly throughout the study-year; for about 10 months,about 40 sessions/year

Aim practical studying of different medical cases as regard

history taking 

interpretition of history 

clinical examination of different body systems

interpretition of clinical data

choosing and interpreting investigations

how to reach diagnosis

differential diagnosis of medical cases

possible complications and its management

Medical cases includes cases of 

valvular heart diseases

ischemic heart diseases

heart failure

 chronic  obstructive airwaiy diseases

Cor pulmonale 

pleural effusion

chronic liver diseases  


liver cirrhosis and its complications

heamatological diseases


renal diseases nephritis , nephrosis and CKD

rheumatological diseases including SLE and Rheumatoid arthrititis

thyroid diseases; hypo and hyperthyroidism

other endocrine diseases

and other clinical cases as available