
Ayman Mohammad Ahmad Ali Al-Salmey

استاذ مساعد - استاذ مساعد- قسم الجراحة العامة- كلية طب سوهاج

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج- طهطا- ش 32 خلف شل



Femoral hernia for undergraduate

2018-10-30 10:03:36 |

:Learning objectives

To know the surgical anatomy of the femoral canal

To know the pathology of t5he hernia

To know the rare types of the femoral hernia

To know the clinical picture of the hernia

To know the differences between femoral and inguinal hernias

To know the complications of the hernia

To know different surgical lines of treatment of the hernia

Anatomy of femoral hernia

2018-10-30 19:28:22 Femoral hernia for undergraduate
Diagramatic drawing of the femoral canal with the femoral opening, saphenous opening and the canal inbetween with its boundaries إقراء المزيد

Anatomy of femoral canal

2018-10-31 04:28:42 Femoral hernia for undergraduate
Diagramatic drawing showing the femoral opening, saphenous opening, and the femoral canal inbetween with the surrounding boundaries إقراء المزيد