Two field experiments were conducted at the Experiment and Research Center, Fac. of Agric, Moshtohor, Benha Univ., QalubiaGovernorate, Egypt during the two winter growing seasons of 2008/09 and 2009/10 to study the effect of four growth promoters treatments (malt extract yeast extract, benzyl adenine and control) as seed-soaking on growth, yield and yield components of five wheat genotypes (Giza 168, Sakha94, Gemmiza 7, Gemmiza 10, and Sids 13). The most important results obtained from this study were as follows:

Gemmiza 10 genotype was earlier heading compared with other genotypes and gave the highest values of plant height No. of spikelets spike-1, biological yield fed-1 and straw yield fed-1 while, Gemmiza 7 genotype gave the highest values of flag leaf area, spike length, seed index and grain yield fed-1, moreover, Gizal68 genotype gave the highest values of No. of tillers plant-1 and No. of spikes m-2 compared with other genotypes.

The highest values of No. of tillers plant-!, flag leaf area, plant height No. of spikes m-2, spite length. No. of spikelets spike-1, seed index, biological, straw and grain yields were produced by yeast extract treatment compared with other growth promoters, also the same treatment was earlier heading compared with other growth promoters.

Effect of the interaction between wheat genotypes and growth promoters was significant on No. of tillers plant-1. No. of days to 50% heading, flag leaf area, plant height.No. of spikes m-2. No. of spikelets spike-1, seed index, biological, straw and grain yields fed-1. Gemmiza 10 genotype combined with yeast extract treatment gave the highest values of plant height, No. of spikelets spike-1, seed index and straw yield fed-1 and earlier heading. Gemmiza 7 genotype combined with yeast extract treatment gave the highest values of flag leaf area, biological yield fed-1 and grain yield fed-1. Moreover, Giza 168 combined with yeast extract treatment gave the highest value of No. of tillers plant-1 and No. of spikes m-2.

Results Indicate that No. of tillers plant-1. No. of days to 50% heading, flag leaf area, plant height No. of spikes m-2, spike length, No. of spikelets spike-1 and seed index had the greatest influence on grain yield fed-1.