

Assistant Professor - Associate professor of Neurosurgery

Faculty of medicine

Address: SOHAG



بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة -جامعة سوهاج .

ماجستير جراحة المخ والاعصاب والعمود الفقرى -كلية الطب جامعة اسيوط .

دكتوراة جراحة المخ والاعصاب والعمود الفقرى -كلية الطب جامعة سوهاج .

زمالة كلية الطب -جامعة كيو-طوكيو -اليابان .

زمالة الاتحاد العالمى لجراحات المخ والاعصاب .

عضو الجمعية  المصرية لجراحات المخ والاعصاب والعمود الفقرى .

2018-10-31 17:47:31 | Keywords Endonasal, transphenoidal, pituitary adenoma,
Endoscopic Endonasal transphenoidal  approach fo pituitary adenoma : Outcome and complications
The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of endoscopic endonasal approach for treatment of pituitary adenoma Read more

2018-10-31 17:52:32 | Keywords lesions, skull base, endoscopic,
Endoscopic skull base surgery
The aim of the study is to assess the role of endoscopic endonasal approaches for managment of different midline skull base lesions Read more

The Trigeminocardiac Reflex During the Anterior Transpetrosal Approach
The anterior transpetrosal approach {ATPA} ,during which manipulations of trigeminal nerve may occur,has a risk to elicit trigeminocardiac reflex _TCR the aim of this study was to asseess the risk of TCR during ATPA Read more

2018-10-21 16:23:33 | Keywords clivus, chordoma, cranial base, Endoscopy,
Endoscopic Endonasal approach for clival chordoma: Outcome and complications
The aim of the study is to assess the role of endonasal approach for managment of clival chordoma Read more