Full Name | د. أسماء عبد الغني عبد اللطيف |
asmaa_aboagag@med.sohag.edu.eg | |
Gender | Female |
birth date | 1979-09-10 |
Faculty | Faculty of medicine |
Degree | Lecturer |
Address | قسم علاج الأورام كلية الطب جامعة سوهاج |
Phone | |
Google Scholar URL | |
Linked in URL | |
Research Gate | |
EKP بنك المعرفة المصري |
First name(Asmaa) Surname(Abo Agag) |
4 Al TaawonSt.Sohag, Zip Code – 82519,Egypt |
+20932302088 +201009410328 |
Dr_ahmed_sayed76@yahoo.com |
Sex: Female Date of birth 10/09/1979 | Nationality Egyptian Married to Dr. Ahmed El Sayed Mohamed, Lecturer of clinical oncology, Sohag University |
July 2014
From 12/2008 till 6/2014
From 03/2005 to 2/2008
From 03/2004 to 02/2005 |
M.D degree.
Assistant Lecturer of Clinical Oncology Sohag University, Egypt. |
▪ Outpatient’s clinic activities ▪ Inpatients department activities. ▪ Scientific activities. ▪ Joint meeting with corresponding clinics. ▪ Research activities. |
▪ Resident of Clinical Oncology ▪ South Valley University, Egypt.
· House officer · Sohag university hospitals, Egypt.
From 04/2009 to 07/2014
From 03/2005 to 6/2008
From 9/1997 to 9/2003
From 1994 to 1997 |
· Medical Doctorate (M.D.) in Clinical Oncology · Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
· Master degree (M.Sc.) in Clinical Oncology · Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University, Egypt, 2008 (Excellent Degree).
· Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (M.B.B.Ch.) · Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University, Egypt. 2003 (very Good Degree).
High school at Qatar
Mother tongue(s) |
Arabic |
Other language(s) |
Listening |
Reading |
Spoken interaction |
Spoken production |
Replace with language |
B1 |
C2 |
B1 |
B1 |
C1 |
TOEFL pBT score 503 hold 2008 |
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages |
Communication skills |
▪ Excellent communication skills gained through my experience as social activities, patients interaction, co-worker and foreigner contact through my scholarship. |
▪ |
Job-related skills |
▪ consultant of oncology at Sohag Cancer center (part-time contract) ▪ Outpatient’s clinic activities for caring cancer patients like diagnosis, treatment plans, ▪ Joint meeting with corresponding surgical and internal medicine divisions on weekly basis or as scheduled. ▪ Research activities with corresponding collages at the same department or corresponding ones like pathology, clinical pathology, nuclear medicine or surgery. |
Computer skills |
▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools ▪ ICDL holder. |
Other skills |
▪ Reading |
Driving licence |
▪ Non |
References |
▪ Prof. Dr Mohamed SolimanGaber Professor Clinical Oncology Department Faculty of medicine Sohag University, Egypt. Phone: +201002550923 E-mail: msoliman888@yahoo.com.