
Mahmoud Elrouby Mohammed Mahmoud

Assistant Professor - Associate Professor

Faculty of science

Address: Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt


Special Informations: Mahmoud Elrouby Mohammed Mahmoud
Full Name Mahmoud Elrouby Mohammed Mahmoud
Email dr_mahmoudelrouby@science.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1980-11-15
Faculty Faculty of science
Degree Assistant Professor
Address Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt
Current Position Associate Professor
Academic Information
General Specialization Physical Chemistry
Specialization Electrochemistry
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic تأثير الجسيمات الدقيقة لبعض الفلزات ذات الأبعاد النانومترية والمرسبة كهربياَ علي السلوك الكهروكيميائي لبعض الأحماض العضوية
Title of Master's Thesis in English Effect of the Electrodeposited Nanoparticles of Some Metals on the Electrochemical Behavior of Some Organic Acids
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic التخليق الكهروكيميائي للأغشية الرقيقة والنانونية لكبريتيد الكادميوم من محاليل الثيوكبريتات علي مختلف الأقطاب (النيكل، البلاتين، الكربون متعدد الجدار النانوي) ودراسة بعض خصائصها
Title of PhD thesis in English Electrochemical Synthesis of Cadmium Sulfide Thin and Nano Films from Thiosulfate Solutions on Different Electrodes (Ni, Pt and MWCNT) and Study of Some Their Properties
Supervisory and administrative functions vice manager of center of maintenance of scientific instruments, vice manger of TICO-Sohag, and Executive Director of the criterion of scientific research and related activities at the Faculty of Science Sohag University
Phone 201143909358
Mobile 0201143909358
Google Scholar URL https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=C4gZ8fYAAAAJ&hl=en
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