
محمد فرج السيد

استاذ - أستاذ متفرغ

كلية العلوم

العنوان: قسم علم الحيوان -كلية العلوم -جامعة سوهاج


المعلومات الشخصية: محمد فرج السيد
الاسم بالكامل محمد فرج السيد
البريد الإلكتروني
النوع ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد 1954-11-21
الكلية كلية العلوم
الدرجة الوظيفية استاذ
العنوان قسم علم الحيوان -كلية العلوم -جامعة سوهاج
المنصب الحالي أستاذ متفرغ
البيانات الأكاديمية
رقم الهاتف
الفاكس 934601159
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Curriculum Vitae



Mohamed Farag El-Sayed


Date of birth  






Academic Rank


Graduation year


Graduation Awarding University

Tanta Univ.

M.Sc.  Awarding University

Assiut Univ

Graduation year


Ph.D.  Awarding University

Assiut Univ

Graduation year


Major Specialization


Minor Specialization




How to Contact

Work address                

Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt.

Tele. (work)

002-093- 601949     internal (2169)

002-093- 601807   


002-093- 601159

E- Mail    




Scientific Qualifications




Awarding University


Bachelor of Science (Zoology)


Fac. Sci., Tanta Univ.


Master of Science


Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.


Doctorate of  philosophy of Science


Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.









Academic Appointments





Ass. Lecturer






Ass. Prof.













M. Sc. Thesis Title

Effect of prostaglandins on the uterus of experimental animals using tracer radiocalcium.

Ph.D. Thesis Title

Physiological studies of some natural effectors on Ca2+ regulation in cardiac muscle



Published and Accepted Papers for Publication

  • Ahmed Y. Nassar; Khalil A.; Gamal A. Morsi; Borai F. and EL-Sayed, M. F (1987): Regulatory Effect of PGF2 a and PGA1 on Permeability of Endometnum. Egypt. J. Biochem.Vol. 6, No.l


2- EL-Sayed, M. F (1987).Role of extracellular calcium on the heart muscle of ectothermic vertebrate (Clarias lazira): Effects of verapamil and caffeine. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool.,30:113-130


3- EL-Sayed, M. F and H. Gesser (1989): Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: Calcium, Potassium, and Cardiac Muscle Force in Rainbow Trout and Plaice. Am. J. Physiol. 257 (Regulatory mtegrative Comp. Physiol. 26: R599-R604.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (1994): Temperature, Contractility and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Oreochromis niloticus. Fac. Sci., Assiut univ. 23(1-E), PP. 1-20.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (1994):Tlie Influence of Temperature on Force Development and Force-Frequency Relationships at Increased Extracellular Calcium and Potassium In The Myocardium of Clanas lazera. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. 15 (A), Comparative Physiology. 259-279, July.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (1994): Force, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and Potassium at Different Temperature in Cardiac Tissue of Clarias lazira. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. 15 (A), comparative physiology. 509-526, July,


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (1994): Force, Development and Force-Frequency Relationships in the Myocardium of Oreochromis niloticus: Effect of Temperature,   Ca+2 and   K+.     Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. 23 (2-E),PP: 1-27.



  • EL-Sayed, M. F (1995): Effects of [Ca2+]o on Contractility In The ventricular Muscle of Reptiles at Different Temperature. Proc. Zool. Soc. A. R.Egypt. Vol. 26.25-41.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F. and EL-Sabry A. Hassnin. (1995): Inotropic Effect of Temperature on Ryanodine and Caffeine Action hi Lizard Heart Muscle. Proc. Zool. Soc. A. R. Egypt. Vol. 26 . 42-58.


  • El- Sayed, F. (1999). Role of extracellular calcium on the heart muscle of ectothermic vertebrate (Clarias lazira): Effects of verapamil and caffeine. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 30(A): 113-130.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (2000). Role of calcium channel in the development of cardiac force in the Clarias lazira: Effects of verapamil and caffeine. J. Egypt. Soc. Zool., 31 (A): 111 - 124.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (2000). Cardiac contractility: Effects of adrenaline, caffeine and verapamil on the heart of fishes and amphibians at different frequencies. J. Assiut Vet. Med., 43: 305-325.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (2000). Effects of adrenaline, caffeine and verapamil on the cardiac contractility after rest intervals in teleost and amphibians. J. Assiut Vet. Med., 42: 328-348.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (2000). Interactive effect of caffeine and verapamil on the myocardium of the catfish (Clarias gariepinus) at the physiological frequencies. J. Assiut Vet. Med., 44: 310-330.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F and Abu-Amra, EI-S. (2001). Effect of adrenaline and/or caffeine on cardiac contractility of catfish and frog. Egypt. J. Zool., 37: 139 - 158.


  • EL-Sayed, M. F (2001). Sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcolemma, calcium and cardiac force in the catfish and frog. J. Assiut Vet. Med., 45: 410-433.


  • El- Sayed, F. (2002). The effect of interaction between adrenaline and caffeine on the cardiac contraction developed after 5 minutes of rest in catfish and frog. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 37 A: 319 -339.


  • El- Sayed, F. (2002). Inotropic effect of adrenaline in combination with verapamil on the ventricular tissue stimulated to contract at different frequencies in the catfish and toad. Egypt. J. Zool., 38: 171 - 188.


  • El- Sayed, M. F. and Abu-Amra, El-S. (2002). The effect of cadmium and natural products on the peak force development in the myocardium of catfish Clarias gariepinus. Union Arab. Biol., 18A: 167-192.


  • El-Sayed, M. F. (2002). The impact of adrenaline, cadmium and bradykinin potentiating factors isolated from the jelly fish and octopus venomes on the myocardial force developed at the physiological frequency in the catfish. Egypt. J. Zool. 39


  • El-Sayed, M. F. (2002). The impact of adrenaline, cadmium and bradykinin potentiating factors isolated from the jelly fish   and   octopus   venomes   on   the   myocardial   Egypt. J. Zool. 39


  • El-Sayed, M. F. (2003). The Stimulatory Effect of The Extracellular calcium on The Negative Action of Cadmium, Verapamil and Some Factors Isolated From The Jelly Fish and Octopus Venoms on The Cardiac Force in The Catfish Heart. Egypt. J. Zool., 41:201-227.


  • El-Saadani M.A. and El-Sayed, M. F. (2003). A bradykinin potentiating peptide from Egyptian cobra venom strongly affects rat atrium contractile force and cellular calcium regulation. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C Toxicol. Pharmacol. 136(4):387-395.


24- El-Sayed, M. F.; Ibraheim, A. S.; Okil, H.A. and Abdel-Karim, D.A. (2010). The role of sarcoplasmic reticulium and regulation of cardiac contractility at different time and higher extracellular potassium in the cardiac muscle of catfish and toad. E.A.J.B.S.2:1-15


25- Okil, H.A., Ibrahim, A.S., El-Sayed, M. F. and Abd-Karim, D.A. (2011).  Sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcolemma, potassium and the twitch force in the catfish and toad after 15 minutes. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 64(A): 113-130.


26- Ibrahim, A.S., Okil, H.A., El-Sayed, M. F. and Abd-Karim, D.A. (2011). Physiological studies on the role of sarcoplasmic reticulum and potassium on cardiac force of catfish and toad. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 64(A): 277-295.


27- El-Sayed, M.F.; Abu-Amra, E. and Badr, A. (2012).Effect of changes in temperature on the   force-frequency relationship in the heart of catfish (Clarias gariepinus). J. Basic and App. Zool. 65: 274-281.


28- Ibraheem, A. S., El-Sayed, M. F., and Ahmed, R. A. (2013). Lymph node histopathological studies in a combined adjuvant–collagen induced arthritis model in albino rat "Rattus rattus". J. of Basic and Applied Zoology, 66(4), 195-205.


29- Abu-Amra, E..; El-Sayed, M.F and Badr, A. (2015).Temperature dependence of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma in the ventricle of catfish (Clarias gariepinus). J. of Basic and Applied Zoology,72:89-92.


30- El-Sayed, M. F.; Abdel-Ghafar, S. Kh.; Adly, M.A.;  Salim, A. A. and Abdel-samei, W.M. (under publication).The ameliorative effects of DMSA and some vitamins against toxicity induced by lead in the testes of albino rats. II. J. of Basic and Applied Zoology,71,60-65.


31-Abd elghaffar ,S, Kh ;EL-Sayed ,M ,F ;Adly .,M,A and Abdel-samei ;W, A.(2015).The Protective Effects of DMSA and Some Vitamins against Toxicity Induced by Lead in Male Albino Rats "1".JPAC 1(1):1-8

32-Wilson, B. M.,EL-Sayed, M. F., Seleem, A. A. and Sarhan ,R. R.(2016). Ameliorative Effect of Antioxidants (Vitamin C and E) Against Abamectin Toxicity in Liver ,Kidney and Testis of Male Albino Rats. J. of Basic and Applied Zoology.77: 60- 82.

33-Ibraheem, A. S. Seleem A. A. ,EL-Sayed  ,M. F. and Hamed, B. H.(2016). Single or Combined Cadmium and Aluminum Intoxication of mice liver and Kidney with Possible Effect of Zink. J. of Basic and Applied Zoology.77:91-101.

34-Ibrahim, A. S.,EL-Sayed , M. F .and  Khalil, H. A. (2016).Establishment of Hepatitis Model in Rat Liver Induced by Injecting Extracted DNA :Histopathological Study. J. of Basic and Applied Zoology.77:102-111.

35-Badr ,A. ,EL-Sayed , M. F. and Vornanen ,M. (2016) .Effect of Seasonal Acclimatization on Temperature –dependence of Cardiac Excitability in Roach , Rutilus ratilius .J.Exp.Biol.219: 1495-1504

36-Badr, A., Hassinen, A., EL-Sayed, M. F. and Vornanen, M. (2017).Effects of  Seasonal Acclimatization on Action Potential and Sarcolemmal kcurrent in the Roach (Ratilus rutilus ) Cardiac Myocytes. Comp. Bioch. Physiol. A 205:15-27.

37-Badr, A. ,Korajoki, Hanna ,Abu- Amra S. H. ,EL-Sayed ,M. F. and Vornanen ,M. (2017) .Effects of Seasonal Acclimatization on Thermal Tolerance of Inward Currents in Roach (Ratilus rutilus ) Cardiac  Myocytes.J. Comp. Physiol.B  :1-15


Scientific Conferences


Conf. Tit.




8th scientific conference for Egyptian society  of zoology

Cairo Univ.



9th scientific conference for Egyptian society  of zoology

Tanta Univ.



2nd international conference for biological science

Cairo Univ.



10th international conference for union Arab biologists

Halab Univ. Syria



6th  international conference for biological science

Tanta Univ.



12th international conference for union Arab biologists

Hodeidah Univ., Yemen



5th International Conference of the Egyptian Society for Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences

Fez Univ., Morocco



17th  scientific conference for Egyptian society  of zoology

Dresden Univ., Germany



Conference of civil society participation in the development of Sohag Faculty of Science: to an outstanding education and community development

مصنع الهدرجة بسوهاج



1st International Conference for Biological Sciences- ICBS-1

Assiut Univ. - Egypt



7th International Conference of the Egyptian Society for Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences

Fez Univ., Morocco



1st International Conference for Biological Sciences-

Ain Shams Univ., Egypt



19th International Conference of Egyptian German society of Zoology

Beni-Suef Univ., Egypt

30/4- 2/5/2011


20th International Conference of Egyptian German Society of Zoology

Marriott Hotel Zamalek, Cairo.



8 International Conference of Biological Sciences

   Tanta Univ.



