
Basma Elyan

Teadching-Assistant - Teaching assistant at physics department

Faculty of science

Address: Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University


Special Informations: Basma Elyan
Full Name Basma Elyan
Email b.elyan@science.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Female
Faculty Faculty of science
Degree Teadching-Assistant
Address Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University
Current Position Teaching assistant at physics department
Academic Information
General Specialization Physics
Specialization Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic تحليل النموذج الضوئي لاستطارة الميزونات
Title of Master's Thesis in English Optical model analysis of mesons scattering
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic دراسة المادة النووية الغنية بالنيوترونات وخواص النجوم النيوترونية باستخدام نظام قوى الثلاث جسيمات
Title of PhD thesis in English Study of neutron rich nuclear matter and neutron stars properties using three-body forces
Google Scholar URL https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=OJmQqIsAAAAJ&hl=ar&oi=ao
Linked in URL
Research Gate
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