
Esraa Mohamed Hafez Elnakib

Teadching-Assistant - Assistant lecturer

Faculty of medicine

Address: Clinical Oncology and nuclear medicine department


Special Informations: Esraa Mohamed Hafez Elnakib
Full Name Esraa Mohamed Hafez Elnakib
Gender Male
birth date 1989-03-27
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree Teadching-Assistant
Address Clinical Oncology and nuclear medicine department
Current Position Assistant lecturer
Academic Information
General Specialization Internal Medicine
Specialization Nuclear Medicine
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic القيمة المضافة للمسح الذري باليوم المشع باستخدام التصوير المقطعي الأنبعاقي احادي الفتون في المرضى المصابين بسرطان الغدة الدرقية النوي بعد العلاج باليود المشع
Title of Master's Thesis in English Added value of I131 SPECT/CT imaging after I-131 ablation in patient with differentiated thyroid cancer
Mobile 01091512374
Google Scholar URL
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Research Gate
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A brief about me
Full Name Esraa Mohamed Hafez Elnakib
Gender Male
birth date 1989-03-27
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree مدرس مساعد
Address Clinical Oncology and nuclear medicine department
Current Position Assistant lecturer
Academic Information
General Specialization Internal Medicine
Specialization Nuclear Medicine
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic القيمة المضافة للمسح الذري باليوم المشع باستخدام التصوير المقطعي الأنبعاقي احادي الفتون في المرضى المصابين بسرطان الغدة الدرقية النوي بعد العلاج باليود المشع
Title of Master's Thesis in English Added value of I131 SPECT/CT imaging after I-131 ablation in patient with differentiated thyroid cancer