
محمد ضياء سيد سليم

استاذ -

كلية الطب

العنوان: قسم المسالك البوليه جامعة سوهاج


المعلومات الشخصية: محمد ضياء سيد سليم
الاسم بالكامل محمد ضياء سيد سليم
البريد الإلكتروني
النوع ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد 1962-07-08
الكلية كلية الطب
الدرجة الوظيفية استاذ
العنوان قسم المسالك البوليه جامعة سوهاج
البيانات الأكاديمية
التخصص العام جراحة المسالك البوليه
التخصص الدقيق female urology
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة العربية متابعة مرضي حصوات المسالك البوليه بعد اجراء عمليات مناظير الحالب
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة الإنجليزية post ureteroscopy follow up for patients with stone ureter
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة العربية دراسة فاعلية تفتيت الحصوات بالموجات التصادميه
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية ESWL in children
الوظائف الإشرافية و الإدارية رئيس قسم المسالك البوليه كلية طب سوهاج ومدير ادارة مستشفي سوهاج الجامعي
رقم الهاتف 1001639870
رابط صفحة الفيس بوك
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First Name: Mohamad Dyaa

Family Name: Saleem

Father Name: Sayed

Nationality: Egyptian

Birth sate: Juli, 8, 1962

Place of birth: Dairute, Assiut, Egypt

Matital status: Married has one kid

Address: Urology Dept., Sohag School of Medicine, Sohag, Egypt.

Telephone: 093-335404, and home 093318828, cell 0101639870



ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS:, College of Medicine, Assiut School of Medicine 1986 in urology, Assiut School of Medicine 1992

3-M.D. Urology 1998.

4- Fellowship for two years in urology in Georgia, Atlanta, USA 1995-1997.

4-Certified course in Clinical research skills for investigators, 27-28 May 2000.

5-Attended and participated in Pediatric Urology Workshop At Cairo University hospitals on ?March 24th, 2005.

6-Workshop on pelvic floor repair system Workshop, Netherlands,18,19 December, 2006


7- Participated in the ESU course Update on benign and scrotal disorders at 21 st Annual EAU Congress Paris, France April 6 th 2006.

8-Participated in the ESU/ESUT course Hands-on course on Laparoscopy at 21 st Annual EAU Congress Paris, France April 7th 2006.

9-Participated in the ESU course Advanced course on Laparoscopy at 21 st Annual EAU Congress Paris, France April 6th 2006.

10- Participated in the second scientific conferance and workshop on TVTO & Gyne-mesh in stress incontinence & genital prolapse management june 24, 2006 in Misr University for Science and Technology


11-Participated in the second Scientific conference and workshop on TVTO&Gyne-mesh in Stress incontinence and genital prolapse management. June 24th, 2006 Neitherland


12-Participated in workshop on PCNL and flexible ureteroscopy in Neitherland, May 2008

13-Participated in workshop on flexible ureteroscopy by Michel Grasso in American University in Lebanon in Neitherland, October 2009






1-Residance in urology 4 years Assiut University hospital.

2-Assistant lecturer of urology, Sohag Univ. Hospital 4 years.

3-Research fellow: Urology, Emory Univ. Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, United States

4- Worked At Taez Yaman for three weeks as a private visit to Elabas Hospital 1999.

4-Lecturer of urology Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Egypt since June, 1997- 2002.

5-Associate professor of urology, Sohag faculty of medicine 2002- 2007

6- Professor of urology, Sohag faculty of medicine 2007- now



1-Member of Egyptian Urological Association (EUA)1994.

2-Corresponding membership of American Urological Assocaition, 1998.

3-Active member in Scociete Internationale d’Urologie, Sept 2002.

4-Active Corresponding membership in European Association of Urology.

5- An affiliate member of the Egyptian American Urological Association of urology.2002.

4-Active member in the Egyptian American Urological Association 2001.

5-International membership of American Urological Assocaition, 2006.




1-House officer                Assiut Univ. Hospital             1986-1987

2-Resident (Urology)       Assiut Univ Hospital              1987-1993

3-Assistant lecturer (Urology)   Sohag University Hospital 1993 – 1995

4-Fellow (Urology) Emory University Hospital, USA   1995-1997

5-Worked at Taez Yaman for three weeks as a private visit to El-Abbas hospital. 1999.

6- Head of urology department , Sohge faculty of medicine 2011-2013

7- Vice dean of Sohag school of medicine 2013

8- General manager of Sohag university hospital 2013-2015

9- Elected as a head of female urology section in the Egyptian Association of Urology.




- The second international pan arab Endolabaroscopic urology congress and surgical innovation 25-27 Feb., 1998 hilton ,Cairo, Egypt.


- 2 nd annual meeting of the Arab urological association in conjunction with the 33 annual meeting of the Egyptian urological association  October 5-8, 1998 Cairo, Egypt



- 6 th Congress of the Mediterranean Urological Association Sept 6-9 1999 Cairo, Egypt


- 5 th international congress of PAUSA, Sept,21-25th 2001 Sousse Tunisia

- Annual meeting of the American Urologic Association May 25-30 2002  Orlando Flurida USA.



- 26th Congress of the Societe Internationale D Urologie, Stockholm, Sweden . Sept 8-12, 2002.


- Third international congress of the Egyptian Society of Urogynaecology and pelvic floor studies 18019 Feb. 2004 Le meridian Heliopolis Cairo,Egypt


- Annual scientific meeting of Mansoura urology and nephrology centre ( Endourology and labaroscopy an update April 15 th , 2004 Mansoura Egypt


- First scientific meeting of urology dept , Sohag faculty of medicine in collaporation with the Egyptian Urologic association. , South Vally university (Secretary General) Jan 25-27 ,2005 Hurghada Red Sea, Egypt.


- Seventh international meeting of the pan African Urological Surgeons Association May 13-16 2005 Cairo, Egypt.


- Annual meeting of the American Urologic Association May 21-26 2005  San Antonio, Texas USA.


2 nd Annual Pan Arab Continence Congress in conjunction with the international continence society. Dubai- December 22-24 th 2005


- The 40 th Annual meeting of the Egyptian Urologic Association in conjunction with the European Association of Urology December 7-11 , 2005, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.



- Second scientific meeting of Urology Dept , Sohag faculty of medicine in collaporation with the Egyptian Urologic association. , South Vally university (Secretary General) Jan 25-27 ,2006 Luxor, Egypt.


- 12th world Congress of the International Society of Sexual Medicine 17-21 Sept, 2006 Cairo, Egypt




4 th conferance of the dept of ob/gyn sohag faculty of medicine 22-24 january 2003 Elzohour island, sohag, egypt. and participated by lecture titled ( Basics for understanding female stress incontinence)


Third Pan Arab congress of sexual health and genital surgery, 25-27 Feb, 2004 Mena House Oberoi Hotel, Cairo, Egypt.


Trpartit congress of Mediterranean Society of pelvic floor disorders and Mediterranean society of coloproctology march 25th,27 ,2004 Sharm elsheekh Egypt



The 21st annual congress of European Urologic Association April 6th 2006  held  in Paris, France



28th congress of the Societe Internationale D Urologie Nov.12-16 2006 Capt Town, South Africa


The AUA 102 annual meetting 2007 in Anaheim, California May19,24th, and participated in  making a plennary session presentation summerizing the take home messages on Advanced prostate cancer pbulished in the aua journal and available on net at aua 2007 official webcast. May19-24, 2007.


The 42 th Annual meeting of the Egyptian Urologic Association in conjunction with the European Association of Urology October 7-11 , 2007, Luxor, Egypt.


The 22nd annual congress of  European Urologic Association held  in Berlin 21-24 march, 2007.


The third inernational congress of the Egyptian Society of Uro-gynaecology and pelvic floor studies 18-19 Feb., 2004 Le Meidien Helioplis hotel, Cairo, Egypt.







1-The use of ureteroscope in treatment of ureteral calculi,

Personal MS Study, Assiut school of medicine, Egypt, 1991.


2-Rectus muscle sling for treatment of stress urinary incontinence

Poster at national AUA  meeting, Orlando, Florida, 1996.


3-Cost-Effectiveness of ultasonsgraphic guided biopsy in post-prostatectomy patients

Podium at Sectional AUA meeting, Naples, Florida, (presentation), 1997.


4-Artificial urinary sphincter in severe urinary incontinence, Podium presented at Sectional AUA meeting , Naples , Florida, 1997.


5-Importance of Urodynamics Evaluation of urinary obstruction in men,

Podium presented at sectional AUA meeting , Naples, Florida, 1997.


6-Cost-analysis of transrectal ultasonsgraphic guided biopsy in  post – prostatectomy. Patients.

Poster at national AUA meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1997.


7-Detection of local recurrence after radical prostatectomy,

Poster presented at nationl AUA meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1997.

Paper published in The Journal of Urology,  


9-Importance of Urodynamic evaluation of urinary obstruction in men

Poster presented at national AUA meeting, New Orleans,  Louisiana, April, 1997.


10-ESWL in children,

M.D. study. Sohag School of Medicine, Egypt, 1997.


  11-Supracervical hystrectomy with reaming-out of the endocervix; benefits versus risks

Reprinted from: The journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol.27 No. 4,5 and 6 April, May, June 2001   


12-Artificial urinary sphincter: The long-term follow-up with high pressure balloon.

Reprinted from Egyptian journal of urology, official body of the Egyptian Urological Association Vol. 8 No 2, October 2001

Abstract published in PAUSA ( Pan African Urological surgeon’s Association) meeting,O33, Sept. 21-25, 2001 Tunisia.

Abstract published in the abstract book of Egyptian Urologic Assocaiton 34 th meeting, p.108, Nov 7-12, 1999 Asswan Egypt 



13-Terazosin in the treatment of vesicosphincter dyssynergia (VSD) in spinal cord injured males

Abstract submitted and accepted as podium presentation to the Mediterranean Urological association meeting in Cairo, 6-9 Sept. 1999.

Reprinted from Egyptian journal of urology, official body of the Egyptian Urological Association Vol. 8 No 2, October 2001

Abstract published in Egyptian journal of urology among abstracts accepted in the 36 th annual meeting of Egyptian urologic Association,p89 Nov 5-8, 2001

Abstract published in the abstract book of Egyptian Urologic Assocaiton 34 th meeting, Asswan Egypt, p.73, Nov 7-12, 1999


14-Transrectal ultrasound in the evaluation of men with low volume azoospermia or severe oligospermia

Reprinted from South valley medical journal, official body of south Valley University Sohag faculty of medicine Vol. 6 No 1, January, 2002


15-Importance of TZ volume by transrectal ultrasound in patients with clinically benign prostatic hyperplasia and agreement with enucleated prostatic adenoma weight

Reprinted from South valley medical journal, official body of south Valley University Sohag Faculty of Medicine Vol. 6 No 1, January, 2002

Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the egyptian urologic association meeting, p.35, nov 13-17, 2000


16-Effect of ligation of subclinically color duplex detected varicocele on semenogram


Reprinted from Elmenia Medical Bulletein, The scientific journal of Elmenia Faculty of Medicine Vol. 11 No. 2, June, 2000


17-Transurethral injection of Silicon microimplants for females with intrinsic sphincter deficiency, experience with 21patients

Reprinted from South valley medical journal, official body of south Valley University Sohag Faculty of Medicine Vol. 6 No 1, January, 2002

Abstract published in Egyptian journal of urology among abstracts accepted in the 36 th annual meeting of Egyptian urologic association, p91 Nov 5-8, 2001



18- Evaluation of paravaginal repair for the treatment of women with stress incontinence and pelvic floor defects

Abstract reprinted from the 3 rd international congress on pelvic floor disorders, The official congress of the international pelvic floor dysfunction society, Mena house Oberoi Cairo- Egypt. March 14-17, 2001


19- Holmium laser incision technique for bilharzial uretral stricture

Abstract published in Egyptian journal of urology among abstracts accepted in the 36 th annual meeting of Egyptian urologic association p106,Nov 5-8, 2001


20- The wide versatility of Tubularized incised plate technique for hypospadias repair


Abstract published in PAUSA ( Pan African Urological surgeon’s Association) metting,o40, Sept. 21-25, 2001 Tunisia.


21- One stage Reconstruction of Extrophy Epispadias complex


Abstract submitted and accepted as a poster presentation at The Egyptian Urological association meeting in Asswan, Egypt, 8-11 Nov. 1999.

**Abstract published in the abstract book of Egyptian Urologic Association 34 th meeting, Asswan Egypt p.94, Nov 7-12, 1999

**Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the Egyptian Urologic Association meeting, p.52, Nov 13-17, 2000


22- Comparative Study Between Transurethral Resection and Transurethral Electrovaporization Of The Prostate

Abstract published in the abstract book of Egyptian Urologic Assocaiton 34 th meeting, Asswan Egypt  p.100, Nov 7-12, 1999


23-Cmparative study between flap procedures in hypospadias repair


Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the Egyptian Urologic Association meeting, p.93, Nov 13-17, 2000


24- Tubularized Incised Plate Repair For Mid And Distal Penile Hypospadias

Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the Egyptian Urologic Association meeting, p.147, nov 13-17, 2000


25- Database program for Urologist for record patient data and easy for use

Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the egyptian urologic association meeting, p.154, nov 13-17, 2000


26- Pyridium Induced Methemoglobinemia ( case report)

Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the egyptian urologic association meeting, p.159, Nov 13-17, 2000


27- The role of ambulatory urodynamic monitoring in the management of the early post stroke patient

Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the Egyptian Urologic Association meeting, p.85, Nov 13-17, 2000


28- Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy For Renal Stones ( Sohag Experience)

Abstract published in abstract book of 35 th annual meeting of the Egyptian urologic association meeting, p.24, Nov 13-17, 2000


29-Clinical and urodynamic evaluation of patients in different phases after cetebrovascular accidents,

Abstract submitted and accepted as a poster presentation at podium presentation at The Egyptian Urological Association meeting in Egypt, 8-11 Nov. 1999.


30- Comparative study between transurethral resection and transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate.

Abstract submitted and accepted as a poster presentation at The Egyptian Urological association meeting in Asswan, Egypt, 8-11Nov . 1999.


31- Ventrally versus dorsally placed buccal mucosa onlay graft in bulbar urethral strictures, Abstract submitted and accepted as a podium presentation at the 7 th international meeting of the Pan African Urological Surgeons Association in Cairo,Egypt, 13-16 May, 2005.


32- Dorsally placed spiral penile flaps versus free grafts for repair of long bulbo-penile strictures

**Abstract published and accepted as a poster presentation in the 40 th Egyptian Urologic Association meeting in conjunction with the European Association of urology, December 7-11 2005, Sharm-Elsheikh, Egypt.

**Abstract published in the in the Egyptian journal of urology vol 1: Sept P 139

**Abstract submitted and accepted as a podium presentation at the 7 th international meeting of the Pan African Urological Surgeons Association in Cairo, Egypt 13-16 May 2005.

**Abstract submitted and accepted as a poster presentation at the annual European urologic association congress,Paris, France, 5-8 April, 2006.


33- Genital sparing radical cystectomy for organ confind bladder carcinoma, impact on tumor control and quality of life.

**Abstract submitted and accepted as a podium presentation at the

7 th international meeting of the pan African urological surgeons Assocaition in Cairo Egypt, 13-16 May 2005.

**Abstract submitted and accepted as a poster presentation at the American Urologic Association meeting, Sanantonio, USA May 21-26, 2005.


34- Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: impact of tumor size,

** Abstract submitted and accepted as a podium presentation in the 38th Egyptian urologic Assocaition meeting, Sharmelsheikh, October 1-4.2003.

**Abstract published in Egyptian Journal of urology Vol 10, p26


35- Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for small sized renal tumors; an initial experience.

** Abstract submitted and accepted as a podium presentation in the 38th Egyptian urologic Assocaition meeting, Sharmelsheikh, October 1-4.2003.

**Abstract published in Egyptian Journal of urology Vol 10, p27


36- Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for renal tumors.

**Abstract submitted and accepted as podium presentation in in the 38th Egyptian urologic Assocaition meeting, Sharmelsheikh, October 1-4. 2003.

**Abstract published in Egyptian Journal of urology Vol 10, p28


37- Intact versus fragmented specimen removal in laparoscopic radical nephrectomy.

**Abstract submitted and accepted as podium p resentation in the 38th Egyptian urologic Assocaition meeting, Sharmelsheikh October 1-4, 2003.

**Abstract published in Egyptian journal of urology Vol. 10,p29


38- Neuroendocrine cells of the normal human prostate gland in benign prostatic hyperplasia immunohistochemical study.

**Thesis published in the Egyptian journal of histology Vol. 26 number1,2(2003).


39-Transpubic urethroplasty in children (results in 21 cases)

Thesis published in the Egyptian journal of urology Vol.11:No.1Feb 2004.


40- Finasteride for treatment of refractory hemospermia.

**Abstract published and accepted as a podium presentation in the 40th Egyptian urologic association meeting in conjunction with the European Association of urology December 7-11,2005 Sharmelsheikh, Egypt,

**Abstract published in the Egyptian journal of urology vol.12;Supplement P137.


41- Laparoscopic management of impalpable testes: Sohag experience

**Abstract published and accepted as a podium presentation in the 40th Egyptian urologic association meeting in conjunction with the European Association of urology December 7-11,2005 Sharmelsheikh, Egypt.

Abstract published in the Egyptian journal of urology vol.12;Supplement P55.


42-A novel method for ureterovesical anastomosis ( the everted spatulated uretral mucosa)

**Abstract published and accepted as a podium presentation in the 40th Egyptian urologic association meeting in conjunction with the European Association of urology December 7-11,2005 Sharmelsheikh, Egypt.

**Abstract published in the Egyptian journal of urology vol.12;Supplement P67.


43- Pan anterior urethral stricture with scrotal periuethral bilharzial mass and urethrocutaneous fistula ( how to do it?)

Video accepted as a presentation in the 40th Egyptian urologic association meeting in conjunction with the European Association of urology Dece mber 7-11,2005 Sharmelsheikh, Egypt.

Abstract published in the Egyptian journal of urology vol.12;Supplement P179.

44- Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-1 in Chronic Schistosomal Urinary Bladder Lesions

Thesis published in sohag faculty of medicine official medical journal vol.   .............................................................................


45- Comparison of transperitoneal and extraperitoneal ascending laparoscopic radical prostatectomy

thesis published in ....................................................................

**46- Long-term results of surgical repair for management of post-traumatic posterior urethral stricture in children.

Thesis submitted for publication and accepted  in the journal of pan arab association of urology, 2007

47- tvt-o for stress urinary incontinence following radical cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder reconstruction in women

thesis submitted for the  ------------------------------------------------------------


48- Differences in gene expression among non-invasive and invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the human bladder using cDNA microarray: preliminary results

thesis submitted for sohag faculty of medicine medical journal

49- Molecular analysis of transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract using cDNA microarray

thesis submitted for publication and accepted by sohag faculty of medicine official journal



1- Cystitis in females ( clinical study)

A prospective study submitted for partial fulfilment of master degree in urology 2005 by Fawozy Fathy Farag, Sohag faculty of medicine, urology dept.


2- Comparison of transperitoneal and extraperitoneal ascending laparoscopic radical prostatectomy

Thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of Doctorate degree in Urology by Ahmad Rashed Abdelateef Hammady MBBCH MSC. Urology 2004


3- Study of the role of epidermal growth factor receptor on the pathogenesis of the carcinoma of the urinary bladder.

Thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of master degree in pathology 2002 by Fatma Elzahraa salah Eldeen Safe el Deen, MBBCH sohag pathology dept,


4- Use of laparoscopy in managment of renal parenchymal tumors in adults

Thesis submitted for partial fulfillment for Doctorate degree in urology by Essam El-Din Salem Morsy, MBBCh urology dept. Sohag university.


5- Immune response and anti-tumor activity of peptide vaccination in patient s with prostate cancer,

Thesis  submitted for partial fulfilment of M.D. degree in urology by Elnisr Rashed Mohamed Saber , Assistant  lecturer  sohag faculty of medicine, 2009.


6- Thesis supervised, Recent advances in management of urologic tumors,

Thesis  submitted for partial fulfilment of M.D. degree in urology by Mohamed Nouh Ahmed , Assistent lecturer of urology, Sohag faculty of medicine, 2009 


7- Association between LUTS due to BPH and erectly dysfunction (Hospital based study)

Thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of Master  degree in urology by Amr Hamada Abdel Mougod Resident of urology Sohag general hospital. 2010

8- Judged thesis, titeled, Primary realignment of rupture posterior urethra, essay submmitted for partial fulfilment of master degree in urology, by Mostqfa Abdelrazek Ahmed, M.B.B.Ch faculty of medicine Assiut University, 2009


8- Judged thesis, titeled Non- invasive urodynamic assessment of voiding dysfunctions

Thesis  submitted for partial fulfilment of M.D. degree in urology by

Fawozy Fathy Farag Mohamed, assistant lecturer of urology, Sohag faculty of medicine, 2012


9- Judged thesis, titeled, Drugs affecting erectile function,

Thesis  submitted for partial fulfilment of master degree of urology by Osama mansour Ahmed, Resident of urology , Assiut University.


10- Judged thesis, titeled, Comaparative study between active and passive dilatation of ureter before ureteroscopy for ureteric stones, Thesis by Mohammed Abbas Mustafe, resident of urology , South Valley university, 2013


11- Judged the thesis titled Treatment of varicocele by sclerotherapy (Essay) submitted for partial fulfillment of requirments of Master Degree in urology. by Rabea Ahmad Gad Elkareem (M.B.,B.Ch)

urology dept. faculty of medicine Assiut University.


12- Judged thesis titled Comparative study between cystoscopy and diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder Cancer

Thesis submitted for partial fulfillment of the Master degree of urology By Mohamed Abd Elghany Allam Demostrator of urology dept. Assiut Faculty of medicine 2016.


 13- judged thesis titled: Ordinary transobturator vaginal tape versus single incision tape in surgical treatment of female stress incontinence ,

Thesis submitted for partial fulfillment of the Master degree of urology By by Mohamed Gamal Abd Elazeem, MBBch. of urology dept. Minia Faculty of medicine 2017.











1-Abdelmoneim Mohamad Abuzeid, professor of urology and previous dean of Sohag faculty of medicine, Sohag,Egypt.


2-Mohamad Ahmad Shalaby Professor of Urology and Vise president of Assiut university, Assiut Egypt.

3-Sam D.Grahm M.D Chief of Urology, Emory School of Medicine, Atalnta, Georgia, U.S.

4-Niall T.Galloway FRCS Chief of Emory continence center, Emory School of Medicine , Atlanta Georgia.

5- Mohamad Issa, Head of Egyptian association of urology.