
Abdo Saeed Ait-Allah AbdelHafez

Professor - Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

Faculty of medicine

Address: Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department


Special Informations: Abdo Saeed Ait-Allah AbdelHafez
Full Name Abdo Saeed Ait-Allah AbdelHafez
Email abdo_abdelhafez@med.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1963-12-25
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree Professor
Address Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Current Position Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Academic Information
General Specialization Obstetrics and Gynecology
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic دراسة مقارنة بين استخدام أقراص منع الحمل عن طريق الفم والمهبل
Title of Master's Thesis in English Comparative study between oral and vaginal use of contraceptive pills
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic تشخيص الامراض الوراثية قبل الولادة في حالات الحمل الخطر
Title of PhD thesis in English Prenstal diagnoin of genetic diseasin in high risk prenancy
Mobile 01008385445
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A brief about me

الوظائف الحالية

1- أستاذ التوليد وأمراض النساء – جامعة سوهاج من أكتوبر , 2007م . 

2- رئيس قسم التوليد وأمراض النساء – كلية الطب – جامعة سوهاج من فبراير 2013 حتى الآن.

3- رئيس ومشرف علي قسم النساء والتوليد – كلية الطب – جامعة أسوان من يناير 2014 حتى الآن .

-4 محكم لجان ترقيات الأساتذه والأساتذه الساعدين لتخصص التوليد وأمراض النساء من 2007 إلي 2012 .

5- عضو لجنة ترقيات الأساتذه المساعدين لتخصص التوليد وأمراض النساء من 2013- 2016.

6- عضو لجنة ترقيات الأساتذه لتخصص التوليد وأمراض النساء من 2016 حتى الآن.

7- عضو لجنة الزمالة المصرية لتخصص التوليد وأمراض النساء التابعة لوزارة الصحة من 2017 حتى الآن .

8- عضو لجنة الزمالة المصرية لتخصص تنظيم الأسرة والصحة الإنجابية من 2016 حتى الآن.

9- نائب رئيس جمعية "أسرة كلية الطب" بكلية طب سوهاج والتي تختص بمساعدة المرضي وأسر المتوفين من أعضاء هيئة التدريس ومعاونيهم .

10- عضو جمعية أطباء ضد ختان الإناث .

المؤهلات والدرجات العلمية

1- بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة عام 1987م كلية الطب – جامعة أسيوط بترتيب السادس علي الدفعة وتقدير جيد جداً مع مرتبة الشرف .

2- ماجستير أمراض النساء والتوليد عام 1992م .

3- دكتوراه التوليد وأمراض النساء 1997م – جامعة جنوب الوادي وتم إنهاء الجزء العملي في بعثة إشراف مشترك بجامعة تيمبل بمدينة فيلادلفيا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من مايو 1994م حتى يونيو 1996م .

المناصب الأكاديمية

1- التدرج في الوظائف من طبيب امتياز – طبيب مقيم – معيد –  مساعد – مدرس – أستاذ مساعد – أستاذ بقسم التوليد وأمراض النساء – كلية الطب – جامعة سوهاج .   

2- رئيس قسم التوليد وأمراض النساء – كلية الطب – جامعة سوهاج من فبراير 2013 حتى الآن.

الابحاث والمنشورات المحليه والدوليه


1-Sabri M. Mohamed, Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Hosam T. Salem.The role of periconceptional ultrasonography in the prediction of pregnancy outcome in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion.

2- Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Salah R. Ahmed, Hosam T. Salem. The use of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HSG) versus progesterone in management of luteal phase defect (LPD). South Valley Medical Journal

3- Salah R. Ahmed, Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Ahmed M. Abdalla. Effect of pregnancy on progression of diabetic retinopathy. South Valley Medical Journal 2000;4(2): 285-290.

4- Abdou S. Ait-Allah & Salah R. Ahmed. Term breech delivery; caesarean section is not a must. South Valley Medical Journal.

5- M. A. Abd Ellah, Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Gh. Fawy, Hosam T. Salem. Ovulatory dysfunction in epikeptic women; A reciprocal interaction.

  1. Abdou S. Ait-Allah & Alla A. Abdel-Hafez.Role of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the management of Genuine stress incontinence(GUSI) in postmenopausal women.

7- Abdou S. Ait-Allah , Sabri M. Mohamed, Hosam T. Salem.Expectant versus active management of functional ovarian cysts. . South Valley Medical Journal.

8- Abdou S. Ait-Allah. Single versus double layer closureof the uterine incision in caesarean section. . South Valley Medical Journal.

9-Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Sayed A. Taha, Magdy M. Amin and Osman A. Mohammad. Metformin versus laparoscopic ovarian drilling in clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovary syndrome. South Valley Medical Journal 2004;8(2):267-281.

10-Abdou S. Ait-Allah. Novel tourniquet to reduce blood loss during abdominal myomectomy. Sohag Medical Journal 2006;10(2):227-234.

11-Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Allam M. Abdelmonem and Salah M. Rasheed. Pregnancy spacing after primary caesarean section: Its impact on uterine scar strength and mode of delivery. Sohag Medical Journal 2006;10(2):219-226.

12-Ramdan A. Saleh, Abdou S. Ait-Allah and abdel-Rahman A. Elsayed. The effect of cigarette smoking on the standard semen parameters and leukocyte contamination in infertile men. Sohag Medical Journal 2006;10(2):245-254.

13- Ahmed H. Abdelllah, Abdou S. Ait-Allah and Salah M. Rasheed.The ratio of middle cerebral to umbilical artery blood velocity versus biophysical profile in post-term pregnancies for the prediction of perinatal outcome. Sohag Medical Journal 2006;10(2):235-243.

14- Abdou S.Ait-Allah , Magdey M.Amin and Ahmed H. Abdellah. Glyceryl Trinitrate versus Prostaglandin E1 Analogue for cervical ripening in cases of prolonged pregnancy. The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstet. & Gyecol 2006;32(10,11,12):1009-1020.

15- Abdou S. Ait-Allah & Alaa A. Abdel-Hafez. The effect of total and  subtotal abdominal hysterectomy on Urodynamic parameters. The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstet. & Gyecol 2006;32(10,11,12):995-1008.


16-Abolella H.A., El-Azab A. Sh., Al-Taher A.M., Kurkar A.A. and Ait-Allah A. S. Prospective randomized trial comparing tension-free vaginal tape and inside-out transobturator tape for surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. Egyptain Journal of Urology 2007;14(1):1-6.


17- Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Hazem M. Abdel-Ghafar, Marcil N. Gerges and Osman  A. Mohammad.  Colposcopic examination in cases of uterine prolapse; Is it essential?. The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstet. & Gyecol 2007;33(1,2,3):53-63.

18- Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Marsil N. Gerges, Hazem M. Abdel-   Ghaffar & Osman A. Mohammad. Screening for cervical carcinoma using combined cervical cytolology and colposcopy in low risk women. The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstet. & Gyecol 2007;33(1,2,3):65-78.

19-Salah M. Rasheed, Abdou S. Ait-Allah, Magdy M. Amin and Ibraheem M. Abdel-Raheem. Laparoscopic-assisted extra-corporeal ovarian cystectomy for endometriomas: A simple alternative to traditional laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy. The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstet. & Gyecol 2007;33(1,2,3): 41-51.

20- Abdou S. Ait-Allah & Ahmed El-Said A. Ali. Acupuncture for management of idiopathic chronic pelvic pain: Is it an effective therapeutic modality?. Sohag Medical Journal 2007;11(1):25-31.

21-Mohamed Sabry. Abdou S. AitAllah, Eman Roshdy & Ayman Al-Hendy. Laparoscopic management of a large torted ovarian cyst in an adolescent virgin: a case report. International Journal of Women's Health 2012:4;223-225.

22-Salah Roshdy,Abdou S. Aitallah. Pregnancy outcome in women with threatened miscarriage: A year study.at Soc ed,2012;24(1):26-28.

23-Mohamed Sabry, Sunil K Halder, Abdou S. AitAllah,Eman Roshdy. Veera Rajaratnam & Ayman Al-Hendy. Serum vitamin D3 level inversely correlates with uterine fibroid volume in different ethnic groups: a cross-sectional observational study. International Journal of Women's Health,2013:5;1-8.

24-Afaf . Elnashar & Abdou S. AitAllah. Immunohistochemical expression of D446,P53 and BL2 in epithelial ovarian tumors.Journal of American Science 2012;8(8);258-264.

25- Mohamed Sabry, Abdou S. AitAllah, Eman Roshdy & Ayman Al-Hendy.Treatment of Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids with Green Tea Extract: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. International J. of Women’s Health 2013:5 477-486.

26- Mohamed S,Abdou S & Ayman A. Decoding of the proteome of In-Vitro Fertilization ovarian follicular fluid for women over-35 years.Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 2015:4 1-5.


حضور المؤتمرات العلميه المحليه والدوليه


  • The 2nd international conference of the African Society of organization of gestosis(ASOG) & the 3rd annual international conference of OB/GYN Department, Sohag Faculty of medicine, February; 11-13, 1998, Luxor, Egypt.
  • The 4th international Annual conference of the Egyptian fertility & Sterility Society, titled " New horizons in infertility Management". September; 24-25, 1998, Cairo, Egypt.
  • The 5th international Annual conference of the Egyptian fertility & Sterility Society, titled " New horizons in infertility Management". September; 24-25, 1999, Cairo, Egypt
  • The 2nd international conference of the department of OB/GYN., Faculty of Medicine, Assuit university, titled" Women's health and next Century", December; 1st-4th, 1999, Aswan, Egypt.
  • The 6th international Annual conference of the Egyptian fertility & Sterility Society, titled "Reproductive Medicine in the new Mikkennium", September; 21st-22nd, 2000, Cairo, Egypt.
  • The 7th international Annual conference of the Egyptian fertility & Sterility Society, titled " Reproductive technology and new Challenges",September; 6th-7th, 2000, Cairo, Egypt.
  • The 4th international Annual conference of the International Fertikity center& Egyptian ICSI center, Titked "New Frontiers in reproductive health", November, 1st-2nd, 2001, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • The 3rd  international conference of the department of OB/GYN., Faculty of Medicine, Assuit university, titled" Challenges in Women's health", February;6th- 8th, 2002, Aswan, Egypt.
  • The Joint Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics & The Egyptian Fertility Care Society, Marriot Hotel June 6th
  • Ministry of health & Population Healthy Mother/ Healthy Child Project in Co-operation with USAID; The Workshop for trining of Trainers (T.O.T) for OB/GYN & Neonatology Departments. South Valley University. The first part was held in Sohag 9-10 April, 2001. The second part was held in Luxor 19-24 April, 2001, Organized by Healthy Mother/ Healthy Child Project and JSI.
  • The 4th international conference of the Department of OB/GYN. Sohag Faculty of Medicine. 22-24 January, 2003, El-Zohour Island, Sohag, Egypt.
  • Scientific meeting in update management of infertility 6th march , 2003, Assiut Faculty of medicine, Assiut University.
  • EAAAFCA Symposia Series “ South Valley Reproductive Health Forum 2003” 25th September, 2003
  • 22nd Annual Conference of Assiut Faculty of Medicine 29March- 1 April 2004.
  • 23rd Annual Conference of Assiut Faculty of medicine 7-10 March, 2005.
  • 24th Annual Conference of Assiut Faculty of Medicine. 2-5 April 2006.
  • The conference of the Egyptian Fertility and Sterility Society” Update in reproductive Technology” 2nd-3rd September, 2004 Cairo- Egypt.
  • The Annual Joint Conference of Egyptian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics & Department of OB/GYN., South Valley University.” Reproductive health challenges in upper Egypt” 1-3 December, 2004.
  • “ For Better Reproductive health” Conference 15-17 February, 2005, Assiut University, Egypt.
  • “ For Safe Reproductive health” Conference 12-16 February, 2007, Assiut University, Egypt.
  • The 6th International Scientific Meeting of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 27-30 September,2005. Cairo-Egypt.
  • The 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society of the Middle East Fertility Society held at Le Meridien –Luxor from November 23-26, 2005.
  • The Annual Scientific Conference Of Sohag Faculty Of medicine” Congenital Malformations and Hereditary Disorders” 6-7 April, 2006.
  • The 11th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Fertlity and Sterility Societyon “Reproductive Technology :Lessons from the past and hopes for the future” 7-8 September, 2006, Cairo-Egypt.
  • The 3rd International Conference of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology “ Towards Lowering Maternal Mortality In Upper Egypt” 1st&2nd March, 2007 El-Minia, Egypt.
  • The Scientific Annual meeting of Sohag faculty of Medicine” Enviromental pollution & Medical p-roblems in Upper Egypt” 5-6 April 2007- The major Conference Hall Sohag University.
  • The Workshop in Information Technology (IT) organized by the ICCN. 26-28 june, 2006.
  • The workshop of National E-Learning Center “Methodologies of E-Learning”10-12 June, 2006.
  • The International Computer Driving Licence Issued by the UNESCO Cairo Office 9th February,2006.



المشاركه فى مشروعات تطوير التعليم الجامعى:-


1-المشاركه فى مشروع تطوير التعليم المستمر والتاهيل للاعتماد لكليه طب سوهاج والذى تم بحصول الكليه على الاعتماد من الهيئه القوميه لضمان الجوده والاعتماد


2-عينت مديرا لمكتب تطوير التعليم فى الفتره 2007-2008


3- المشاركه فى التطوير المستمر للتعليم "مرحله الطلاب"

     -تحديث لائحه الطلاب والبرامج والقررات الدراسيه وتحديث اساليب وفرص ومصادر التعليم والتعلم

     - الاستمرار فى تحديث وتطوير ا ساليب تقويم الطلاب بما يتوافق مع المعايير الدوليه


4- المشاركه فى تطوير الدراسات العليا ودعم تميز الكليه محليا واقليميا فى مجال النشر الدولى والبحث العلمى

