
Ahmad Ibraheem Addosook Mohammad Abdelraheem

استاذ مساعد - أستاذ مساعد

كلية الطب

العنوان: برج السيد يس ش الجمهورية سوهاج ثانى سوهاج


المعلومات الشخصية: Ahmad Ibraheem Addosook Mohammad Abdelraheem
الاسم بالكامل Ahmad Ibraheem Addosook Mohammad Abdelraheem
البريد الإلكتروني ahmed_eldesouky@med.sohag.edu.eg
النوع ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد 1972-01-19
الكلية كلية الطب
الدرجة الوظيفية استاذ مساعد
العنوان برج السيد يس ش الجمهورية سوهاج ثانى سوهاج
المنصب الحالي أستاذ مساعد
البيانات الأكاديمية
التخصص العام جراحة العظام
التخصص الدقيق جراحة اليد والجراحات الميكروسكوبية
رقم الهاتف
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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ahmad I Addosooki Mohammad Abdelraheem

Current position: Ass. professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Department, Sohag University.

Birth Date: 19/1/1972

Tel: Clinic: +2093359595

Mobile:! +201011110232

Address: Orthopedic Surgery, Department, 82524

Sohag University, Egypt.

E-mail address: addosooki@yahoo.com


Degree! Date/year! Place!

M.B.B.Ch.! September, 1995! South Valley


Master Degree June 27, 2000 South Valley


Doctoral Degree January 12, 2009 Sohag University!


Major: Orthopaedic Surgery:

• Trauma surgery

• Spine surgery

• Joint Replacement

• Arthroscopy

Minor: Hand and Microsurgery:

• Nerves and Vessels surgeries.

• Ligaments & Tendon injuries

• Wrist arthroscopy

• Replantation


Work Experience:!

1.Intern, South Valley University, Egypt, from 1996 to1997.

2.Resident in orthopaedic surgery department, south Valley

University, Egypt, from March, 1997 to March, 2000.

3.Demonstrator in orthopaedic surgery department, south Valley

University, Egypt, from March, 2000 to August, 2000.

4.Assistant Lecturer of orthopaedic surgery, south Valley

University, Egypt, from August, 2000- July, 2005.

5.Advanced Clinical fellowship in Hand and Microsurgery,

Yamaguchi University, Japan, from July, 2005 to May, 2007.

6.Assistant Lecturer of orthopaedic surgery, south Valley

University, Egypt, from May, 2000 to February, 2009.

7.Lecturer of orthopaedic surgery, Sohag University, Egypt, from

February, 2009 to June 2014

8.Associate Professor form June, 2014

International publications

1. Abdel Rahman H. Khalifa, Ashraf R. Marzouk, Mohamed Alam-Eldin,

Ahmad Addosooki. Short-term results of primary total hip arthroplasty

for Protrusio Acetabuli!

2. Kenawey M, Addosooki A. U-shaped Sacral Fracture With Avulsion in a

Young Child: A Case Report and Review of the Orthop. 2013 Dec 10.!

3. Boraey NF, Addosooki A, Orthopedics N. Metabolic Bone Disease in

Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome. 2012.

4. Addosooki A, Doi K, Hattori Y, Wahegaonkar A. Role of wrist

arthrodesis in patients receiving double free muscle transfers for

reconstruction following complete brachial plexus paralysis. J Hand Surg

Am. 2012 Feb;37(2):277-81.

5.El-Gammal TA, Shiha AE, El-Deen MA, El-Sayed A, Kotb MM,

Addosooki AI, Ragheb YF, Saleh WR. Management of traumatic tibial

defects using free vascularized fibula or Ilizarov bone transport: a

comparative study. Microsurgery. 2008;28(5):339-46. (Egypt- Sohag)

6. Doi K, Hattori Y, Yamazaki H, Wahegaonkar AL, Addosooki A,

Watanabe M. Importance of early passive mobilization following double

free gracilis muscle transfer. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Jun;121(6):

2037-45. (Japan)

7. Wahegaonkar AL, Doi K, Hattori Y, Addosooki AI. Surgical technique of

pedicled bipolar pectoralis major transfer for reconstruction of elbow

flexion in brachial plexus palsy. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2008 Mar;

12(1):12-9. Review. (Japan)

8. Addosooki A, Doi K, Hattori Y, Moriya A, Estrella E. Evaluation of C5

nerve root repairability in traumatic brachial plexus injuries: proposal of

an evaluation scoring system. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2008 Jan;24(1):3-10.

Epub 2008 Jan 11. (Japan)

9. Wahegaonkar AL, Doi K, Hattori Y, Addosooki A. Technique of

osteochondral autograft transplantation mosaicplasty for capitellar

osteochondritis dissecans. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2007 Nov;32(9):1454-61.


10.Hattori Y, Wahegaonkar A, Addosooki A, Doi K. Wrist flexion

contracture: an unusual complication following palmaris longus tendon

harvest. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2007 Dec;32(6):694-6. Epub 2007 Aug 6.


11.Hattori Y, Doi K, Sakamoto S, Yamasaki H, Wahegaonkar A, Addosooki

A. Volar plating for intra-articular fracture of the base of the proximal

phalanx. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2007 Oct;32(8):1299-303. (Japan)

12.Wahegaonkar AL, Doi K, Hattori Y, Addosooki AI. Technique of

intercostal nerve harvest and transfer for various neurotization procedures

in brachial plexus injuries. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2007 Sep;11(3):

184-94. Review. (Japan)

13.Addosooki A, Doi K, Hattori Y, Wahegaonkar A. Wrist arthrodesis after

double free-muscle transfer in traumatic total brachial plexus palsy. Tech

Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2007 Mar;11(1):29-36. Review. (Japan)

14.Hattori Y, Doi K, Ikeda K, Tokuwaka M, Addosooki A. Free vascularised

proximal interphalangeal joint transfer from a damaged finger as a

secondary procedure. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2007 Oct;32(5):594-5. (Japan)

15.Hattori Y, Doi K, Sakamoto S, Yamasaki H, Wahegaonkar A, Addosooki

A. Fingertip replantation. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2007 Apr;32(4):548-55.

Review. (Japan)

16.Addosooki AI, Doi K, Hattori Y. Technique of harvesting the gracilis for

free functioning muscle transplantation. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2006

Dec;10(4):245-51. (Japan)

17.Addosooki A, Doi K, Hattory Y. Double free muscle transfer technique

in total traumatic brachial plexus palsy. Egyptian Orthopedic Association

annual meeting, 2009

18.Addosooki A, Doi K, Hattory Y. Role of elbow stability in double free

muscle transfer technique in total traumatic brachial plexus palsy.

Egyptian Orthopedic Association annual meeting, 2009.
