
Dr. Abdelmagid Edrees Abdelsamie

Lecturer - Lecturer

Faculty of agriculture

Address: Egypt - Sohag City_Sohag University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Economic


Special Informations: Dr. Abdelmagid Edrees Abdelsamie
Full Name Dr. Abdelmagid Edrees Abdelsamie
Email abdelmagidedrees@agr.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1972-01-27
Faculty Faculty of agriculture
Degree Lecturer
Address Egypt - Sohag City_Sohag University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Economic
Current Position Lecturer
Academic Information
General Specialization Agricultural Economics
Specialization Management and sustainable of the fresh and Irrigation water
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic دراسة للملامح التسويقية الرئيسية لبعض حاصلات الخضر والفاكهة بمدينة سوهاج
Title of Master's Thesis in English Study of the main features of marketing some vegetable and fruit crops in Sohag city
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic الادارة الاقتصادية المستدامة لمياه الري في مصر - تحديات وفرص
Title of PhD thesis in English Sustainable Economic Management of Irrigation Water in Egypt - Challenges and Opportunities
Phone 932604055
Mobile 0201000789051
Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/bedo.dawood.9
Google Scholar URL https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F5f_CKDnfyZ4I0WTCO-5xB46BefGSpCvTf7cZIa7crC2JVdQ5A-PT7bMbVoknHbnNN8PL-MscEOdghrbF_Q_kodEx8e7w&user=vxLrGfgAAAAJ
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