

Assistant Professor - professor

Faculty of medicine

Address: sohag university hospital - urology dept


Special Informations: wael_gamaleldin
Full Name wael_gamaleldin
Email wael_gamaleldin@med.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1972-01-31
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree Assistant Professor
Address sohag university hospital - urology dept
Current Position professor
Academic Information
General Specialization urology
Specialization endourology
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic حصوات المثانة في الاطفال
Title of Master's Thesis in English bladder stone in children
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic دور ليزر الهولميوم ياج في علاج ضيق الحالب بالمنظار
Title of PhD thesis in English holmium yag laser in management of ureteral stricture
Supervisory and administrative functions professor endourology - head of the endourology section in the egyptian urological association - international associate memeber in the bord of the european section of urolithiasis (EULIS)
Phone 932349944
Mobile 01000871357
Facebook URL http://waelgamal-sohagendourology.com
Twitter URL http://waelgamal-sohagendourology.com
Google+ URL http://waelgamal-sohagendourology.com
Google Scholar URL http://waelgamal-sohagendourology.com
Linked in URL http://waelgamal-sohagendourology.com
Research Gate
EKP بنك المعرفة المصري
A brief about me


  1. Internship House Officer, Sohag University Hospitals from 1/3/1996 to 28/2/1997.
  2. Resident in Urology, Urology and Nephrology Center, Sohag University from 1/3/1997 to 28/2/2000.
  3. Assistant lecturer of Urology, Urology and Nephrology Center, Sohag University from 1/3/2000 to 26/7/2006.
  4. lecturer of Urology, Urology and Nephrology Center, Sohag University from 27/7/2006 to 20/9/2011
  5. Associate professor of Urology, Urology and Nephrology Center, Sohag University from 21/9/2011 up till 20/9/2016
  6. Professor of urology, Urology and Nephrology Center, Sohag University from 21/9/2016 uptill now
  7. Secretery of the endourology section at the Egyptian urological association (from 5/9/2011 TILL 4/12/2017).
  8. President of the endourology section at the Egyptian urological association from 4/12/2017 till 4/12/2020).
  9. international Associate in the section of the urolithiasis (EULIS) in the European urological association.(12/5/2017).(Here is the link: http://uroweb.org/section/eulis/information/ Please click on 'board' on the left side and e 'pop-up-screen' will open automatically). 
