

مدرس مساعد -

كلية الآداب

العنوان: ش مدرسة اللغات - سوهاج ثان



Welcome to my personal Site

I can reach students on this website concerning anything relative to English or English studies. Such as: Drama, Novel, Translation,, Stulistics, Criticism and American Literature.

2018-10-29 01:28:28 | الكلمات المفتاحية Literary Satire, الأدب,
الأسلوبية في الدراما
using stylistic in dramatic texts and applying them to analyse literary texts such as pragmatic methods such as speech act, the cooperative principle and others إقراء المزيد

2018-10-29 01:21:21 | Drama
what are the most important dramatic methods? what are the types of drama? إقراء المزيد