
Mostafa Mamdoh Haredy

Lecturer - Plastic Surgery Department

Faculty of medicine

Address: 7 6th of October Street, Sohag


Office hours
Id Office Address From to days
1 General Plastic Surgery Clinic - Sohag University Hospital 10 - 13 الخميس
2 Medical Student's Classrooms Building, Sohag Faculty of Medicine 9 - 10 الخميس
3 Cleft & Craniofacial Clinic - Sohag University Hospital 9 - 13 الأربعاء
4 Operative Room - Plastic Surgery Department - Sohag University Hospital 9 - 14 الأحد, الثلاثاء
5 Cleft & Craniofacial Clinic - Sohag University Hospital 9 - 13 الأثنين
6 Plastic Surgery Department - Sohag University Hospital 9 - 14 السبت