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استاذ - وكيل كلية التربية لشئون التعليم و الطلاب

كلية التربية

العنوان: كلية التربية بسوهاج - مكتب وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم و الطلاب


The Effects of Enhancing Prospective EFL Teachers' Knowledge Management Strategies in Virtual Learning Environments on Their Ideational Flexibility and Engagement
ABSTRACT _The last few years have witnessed an increased interest in moving away from traditional language instruction settings towards more hybrid and virtual learning environments. Face-to-face interaction, guided practice, and uniformity of knowledge sources and skills are all replaced by settings where multiplicity of views from different learning communities, interconnectedness, self-directedness, and self-management of knowledge and learning are increasingly emphasized. ... إقراء المزيد

2017 | الكلمات المفتاحية reflective blogfolios, argumentative writing, ways of knowing,
Reflective Blogfolios in the Language Classroom: Impact on EFL Tertiary Students’ Argumentative Writing skills and ways of knowingg Skills
ABSTRACT _The emerging paradigm shift in educational contexts from walled classroom environments to virtual, hybrid, blended, and lately personal learning environments has brought about vast changes in the foreign language classroom practices. Numerous calls for experimenting with new instructional treatments to enhance students' language performance in these new learning environments have been voiced by researchers and language educators in different ... إقراء المزيد

2016 | الكلمات المفتاحية
Tweetstorming in the Language Classroom: Impact on EFL Tertiary  Students’ Ideational Fluency and Syntactic Complexity
ABSTRACT _The last few years have witnessed a paradigm shift in educational settings where language educators and practitioners have turned their focus from traditional face-to-face classroom practices to more hybrid and virtual language teaching/learning methodologies. This paradigm shift gained momentum with the introduction of Web 2.00 tools and wikis and the increased tendency in education and workplace towards more technology-driven ... إقراء المزيد

2015 | الكلمات المفتاحية epistemic sophistication, ESP contexts, ideational fluency, syntactic complexity,
Epistemic Sophistication in ESP Contexts: Analysis by Major, Gender, and Language Proficiency Level
ABSTRACT _The last few years have witnessed a paradigm shift in educational settings where language educators and practitioners have turned their focus from traditional face-to-face classroom practices to more hybrid and virtual language teaching/learning methodologies. This paradigm shift gained momentum with the introduction of Web 2.00 tools and wikis and the increased tendency in education and workplace towards more technology-driven ... إقراء المزيد

Predicting Gifted EFL Students’ Goal Orientation, Cognitive Engagement, Perceived Linguistic Competence, and Achievement with Epistemological Beliefs
_ABSTRACT_ _ __The current study examined the epistemological beliefs of gifted EFL students compared to non-gifted ones at the Saudi Arabian context. More specifically, the study investigated how far epistemological beliefs can be potential predictors of gifted EFL students’ goal orientation, cognitive engagement, perceived linguistic competence and achievement. Four tools were used for data collection, including an Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, ... إقراء المزيد

An Investigation of the Relationships between EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and their Learning Strategies, Teaching Practices and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety
_This study aimed at investigating the__ relationships between EFL pre-service teachers’ epistemological beliefs and their learning strategies, teaching practices and foreign language classroom anxiety__. The subjects of the study were 114 EFL__ pre-service teachers__, at the Riyadh Teachers’ College, KSA. They responded to four tools designed by the researchers: an EFL Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (EFLEBQ), __an EFL Learning Strategies Questionnaire ... إقراء المزيد

2004 | الكلمات المفتاحية Self-regulated Reading Strateg, Critical Reading Skills, Reading Motivation,
The Effects of Self-regulated Reading Strategy Development on the Prospective EFL Teachers’ Critical Reading Skills and Reading Motivation
ABSTRACT _The current study investigated the effects of a suggested SRR-based program on the prospective EFL teachers’ critical reading skills and reading motivation. In this sense, self-regulated reading (SRR) is basically concerned with defining instructional strategies that support students to develop the knowledge and skills required to direct their own reading activities across contexts and time. It subsumes research on ... إقراء المزيد

| الكلمات المفتاحية epistemological beleifs, testing orientations,
ABDTRACT Epistemological beliefs--beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how knowing occurs--have been the target of increased research interest in the area of langauage instruction. Heretofore, emphasis has been directed to language teaching/learning aspects and strategies. Language assessment practices have received scanty empirical attention. The current study, filling in this gap in lietature, examined the effects of in-service EFL teachers’ ... إقراء المزيد

Pairing Strategy and Attributional Retraining: Immediate and Delayed Impact on EFL Underachievers’ Oral Communicative Competence and Apprehension
ABSTRACT _Underachieving EFL students have attributional profiles characterized by low self-esteem and poor expectancy of success in oral communicative situations. Current strategy training programs are not likely to have much effect on their oral communicative competence because their maladaptive attributional profiles averse the effect of training and hinder strategy transferability. Reframing these maladaptive attributional frameworks into ones that accommodate strategy ... إقراء المزيد

The Effects of Enhancing Time Management Strategies of Prospective EFL Teachers on Their Teaching Performance and Perceived Instructional Self-Efficacy
ABSTRACT _ The current study aimed at investigating the effects of enhancing prospective EFL teachers’ time management strategies on their teaching performance and instructional self-efficacy beliefs. The sample of the study included a cohort of 36 EFL student-teachers doing their teaching practice at Saudi intermediate schools. They were equally divided into an experimental group and a control one. The experimental ... إقراء المزيد