
Ghada Galal

Professor - Head of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department

Faculty of medicine

Address: Sohag, Egypt



Publications Which contain the keyword: adenoma

2018-10-22 21:36:49 Keywords Carcinoma, adenoma, Colorectal, ApopTag, Ki-67., P53, Bax, Bcl-2,
Immunohistochemical Study, In Situ Hybridization and Computerized Image Analysis of Colorectal Epithelial Progression from Adenoma to Carcinoma
SUMMARY: Adenoma-carcinoma sequence was postulated for most colorectal carcinomas. Deregulation of apoptosis and cellular proliferation is involved in the pathogenesis of neoplasia. The apoptotic genes that have been characterized in colon cancer are bcl-2, bax, and p53. Studying the expression of these genes and of the proliferating cell marker (Ki-67) in adenoma carcinoma sequence well be of great value in ... Read more

2018-10-23 20:22:05 Keywords Colorectal cancer, adenoma, Carcinoma, , Bcl-2, Bax , P53, Ki-67, , ApopTag, , β-Catenin,
Markers defining colorectal adenoma-carcinoma progression: a computerized image analysis protocol
ABSTRACT: The vast majority of colorectal carcinoma are widely believed to arise from polypoid adenomas. The apoptotic related genes that have been most consistently characterized in colonic cancer are bcl-2, bax, and p53. Studying the expression of these genes in adenoma carcinoma sequence will be of great value in producing the clinical behavior of benign tumors. Loss of contact inhibition ... Read more

2018-10-16 15:17:40 Keywords Bcl-2, Bax, P53, STAT3, β-Catenin, COLON, adenoma, Carcinoma,
Comparative study of Bcl-2, Bax, p53, STAT3 and β-catenin and their relationship to colonic epithelial progression from adenomas to carcinomas: a multiparameter immunohistochemical computerized image analysis study
ABSTRACT: Adenoma-carcinoma sequence was postulated for most colorectal carcinomas. Deregulation of apoptosis & cell proliferation is involved in the pathogenesis of neoplasia. The apoptosis genes characterized in colon cancer are bcl-2, bax & p53. b-catenin plays a role in both cell adhesion & intracellular signaling. Translocation of b-catenin from the cell membrane to the cytoplasm or nucleus is an early ... Read more

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