
مني فتوح محمد شلبي

استاذ - استاذ الميكروبيولوجيا الطبيه والمناعه بكلية طب سوهاج

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج شارع الجمهوريه برج الشيخ بجوار مدرسه الباحثه الباديه الدور الحادي عشر



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: puberty

2018-10-16 20:31:06 الكلمات المفتاحية leptin, pars distalis, somatot, phs, thyrotrophs, puberty, leptin, pars distalis, puberty,
The Histological and Immunohistochemical Study of the Leptin effect on Pars distalis of Pituitary Gland in Female Albino Rat
Background Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone. The plasma level of leptin is elevated in obesity and decreased in emaciation. It is involved in the neuroendocrine regulation of pituitary gland function. Aim of the work _The present work was carried out to study the histological changes in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland after an injection of leptin in female ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-16 20:31:06 الكلمات المفتاحية leptin, pars distalis, somatot, phs, thyrotrophs, puberty, leptin, pars distalis, puberty,
The Histological and Immunohistochemical Study of the Leptin effect on Pars distalis of Pituitary Gland in Female Albino Rat
Background Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone. The plasma level of leptin is elevated in obesity and decreased in emaciation. It is involved in the neuroendocrine regulation of pituitary gland function. Aim of the work _The present work was carried out to study the histological changes in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland after an injection of leptin in female ... إقراء المزيد

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