
Soheir Ali Mohamed

استاذ - رئيس قسم الطب الشرعى والسموم الاكلينيكية

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج /ش سعد زغلول



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: anastomosis

2019-02-12 22:48:29 الكلمات المفتاحية anastomosis, Cistern, Goat, ,
Treatment of irreparable full-thickness teat laceration in goats by connecting gland cisterns
blood supply of the teat of native goats is studies anatomically and with contrast radiography. laceration of the teat was treated through anastemosis of both cisterne under the light of gross dessection and contrast radiography. إقراء المزيد

2018-11-05 07:23:56 الكلمات المفتاحية anastomosis, cecum, experim-en,
Rumino-cecal anastomosis for treatment of recurrent tympany: Experimental study in goats
The present study is an experimental study performed on seven mature healthy goats, from which two goats were used for description of the topographical anatomy of the area through which the cecum passed and anastomosed with the dorsal ruminal sac. The remaining five goats were used for induction of rumino-cecal anastomosis that was followed by induction of a state of ... إقراء المزيد

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