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Teadching-Assistant - مدرس مساعد الجراحة العامة وجراحة وزراعة الكبد والبنكرياس والقنوات المرارية

Faculty of medicine

Address: سوهاج - شارع الترعة المردومة - خلف المستشفى الجامعى



Publications Which contain the keyword:

. Developmental Analysis of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Micro-Tom) Fruits
Carbohydrate metabolism during the development of fruits of the tomato cultivar Micro-Tom was studied. The metabolism of the pericarp and placental tissues was found to be different. Starch was degraded more slowly in the placenta in comparison with the pericarp, whereas soluble sugars accumulated to a greater extent in the pericarp. The activities of glycolytic enzymes tended to peak at ... Read more

Modelling and robust control design of a standalone wind-based energy storage generation unit powering an induction motorvariable-displacement pressurecompensated pump
This study investigates the application of the sliding mode controller (SMC) for induction motor drive variable-displacement pressure-compensated pump (VDPC) system powered by an isolated wind/storage unit. The variable-speed wind turbine (WT) is proposed to drive a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) which, feeds a storing energy unit and stand-alone dynamic load. Energy storage systems are required for power balance quality ... Read more

Modelling and robust control design of a standalone wind-based energy storage generation unit powering an induction motorvariable-displacement pressurecompensated pump
This study investigates the application of the sliding mode controller (SMC) for induction motor drive variable-displacement pressure-compensated pump (VDPC) system powered by an isolated wind/storage unit. The variable-speed wind turbine (WT) is proposed to drive a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) which, feeds a storing energy unit and stand-alone dynamic load. Energy storage systems are required for power balance quality ... Read more

Deteriorating effects of the metal threads on embroideries
Embroideries are considered one of the most important complex textiles which are distinguished with a raised pattern by using additional threads called extra yarns. They are generally thicker than the original warp and weft threads. Usually, they are made of metal threads. These metal threads are made of gold, silver, copper and/or their alloys as well as gilt and silvered ... Read more

Deteriorating effects of the metal threads on embroideries
Embroideries are considered one of the most important complex textiles which are distinguished with a raised pattern by using additional threads called extra yarns. They are generally thicker than the original warp and weft threads. Usually, they are made of metal threads. These metal threads are made of gold, silver, copper and/or their alloys as well as gilt and silvered ... Read more