
محمد فرج السيد

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كلية العلوم

العنوان: قسم علم الحيوان -كلية العلوم -جامعة سوهاج



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: Action potential

2018-10-30 23:27:31 الكلمات المفتاحية Action potential,
Effects of seasonal acclimatization on temperature dependence of cardiac excitability in the roach, Rutilus rutilus.
ABSTRACT Temperature sensitivity of electrical excitability is a potential limiting factor for performance level and thermal tolerance of excitable tissues in ectothermic animals. To test whether the rate and rhythm of the heart acclimatize to seasonal temperature changes, thermal sensitivity of cardiac excitation in a eurythermal teleost, the roach (Rutilus rutilus), was examined. Excitability of the heart was determined from ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-13 23:35:09 الكلمات المفتاحية Electrocardiogram, Action potential, Eurythermal fish, Cardiac arrhythmias,
Effects of seasonal acclimatization on temperature-dependence of cardiac excitability in the roach, Rutilus rutilus
Temperature-sensitivity of electrical excitability is a potential limiting factor for performance level and thermal tolerance of excitable tissues in ectothermic animals. In order to test whether rate and rhythm of the heart acclimatize to seasonal temperature changes, thermal sensitivity of cardiac excitation in a eurythermal teleost, the roach (_Rutilus rutilus_), was examined. Excitability of the heart was determined from _in ... إقراء المزيد

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