

Assistant Professor - Associate Professor

Faculty of agriculture

Address: Food Science & Nutrition Dept. Faculty of Agriculture, New Campus (El Kawamel), Sohag University, New Sohag City, Sohag, Egypt.


الزيوت والدهون
تعتبر الزيوت والدهون من عناصر الغذاء الأساسية لجسم الإنسان فهي مصدر غني للطاقة الغذائية التي يحتاجها الجسم وتعطي ضعف الطاقة التي يعطيها المصدرين الأخريين للطاقة وهما البروتينات والكربوهيدرات (السكريات والنشويات). ولا يوجد فرق جوهري من حيث القيمة الغذائية للزيوت والدهون (كطاقة) وإنما الفرق بالنسبة لصلابة الدهون وسيولة الزيوت يعود لتركيب أي منهما ونسب تواجد الأحماض الدهنية في الزيت أو الدهن. ... Read more

الزيوت و الدهون
تعتبر الزيوت والدهون من عناصر الغذاء الأساسية لجسم الإنسان فهي مصدر غني للطاقة الغذائية التي يحتاجها الجسم وتعطي ضعف الطاقة التي يعطيها المصدرين الأخريين للطاقة وهما البروتينات والكربوهيدرات (السكريات والنشويات). ولا يوجد فرق جوهري من حيث القيمة الغذائية للزيوت والدهون (كطاقة) وإنما الفرق بالنسبة لصلابة الدهون وسيولة الزيوت يعود لتركيب أي منهما ونسب تواجد الأحماض الدهنية في الزيت أو الدهن. ... Read more

Lipids lectuer
Lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and function of living cells. Examples of lipids include fats, oils, waxes, certain vitamins, hormones and most of the non-protein membrane of cells. WHAT ARE LIPIDS SOLUBLE IN? Lipids are not soluble in water. They are non-polar and are thus soluble in nonpolar environments like ... Read more

مراجعة و تقييم
مراجعة و تقييم لمن سبق Read more

2018-10-16 19:59:53 | 0 | Food Analysis ( Post Graduate student)
moisture analysis
* 1. FOOD CHEMISTRY FB.COM/CAREERATFOODSCIENCE CHAPTER- 1 * 2.  FOOD CHEMISTRY  Food Chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non- biological components of foods  It covers the basic composition, structure and properties of foods and the chemistry changes occurring during processing and utilization  It also covers the chemistry of ... Read more

calculate Energy  from carbohydrates
HOW TO CALCULATE ENERGY FROM FOODS BY KIRSTIN HENDRICKSON OCT. 03, 2017 The energy content of a food is a measure of how many calories the food contains. Your body needs a certain number of calories each day -- the required amount varies with your age, gender, weight status and activity level -- to maintain itself. Eating fewer than the ... Read more

E numbers
E numbers are codes for food additives that have been assessed for use within the European Union (the "E" prefix stands for "Europe"). They are commonly found on food labels throughout the European Union. Safety assessment and approval are the responsibility of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). * E100–E199 (color additives) - (35) * E200–E299 (preservatives) - (30) * ... Read more

Human Nutrition
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. * Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures. * Select "Compute BMI" and your BMI will appear below. ESPAÑOL YOUR HEIGHT: (FEET) (INCHES) YOUR WEIGHT: YOUR WEIGHT: (POUNDS) Your BMI: BMI CATEGORIES: Underweight = THE ... Read more

BMI Ideal weight
BMI CALCULATOR (METRIC AND IMPERIAL) Calculate your BMI (body mass index) with this calculator tool. By calculating your body mass index, you can get an indication of whether your weight may be affecting your health. A BMI chart is also available. BMI is commonly used by Doctors and health professionals worldwide and is calculated using your weight and height. * ... Read more

BMI Ideal weight
BMI CALCULATOR (METRIC AND IMPERIAL) Calculate your BMI (body mass index) with this calculator tool. By calculating your body mass index, you can get an indication of whether your weight may be affecting your health. A BMI chart is also available. BMI is commonly used by Doctors and health professionals worldwide and is calculated using your weight and height WHAT ... Read more