Lithography is one of the rare historical collections that have not been sufficiently studied by researchers. This study aims to use different analytical techniques in order to identify the components of the paper support of a historical lithographic plate, which is one of the 44 printed plates in a volume entitled book "Plates illustrative of the researches and operations of G. Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia". Visual assessment, identification of the cellulose fibers by optical  microscopy and investigation of the surface morphology by scanning electron microscope (SEM) with EDX, X-ray diffraction, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR/FTIR) analysis were used to identify fillers and sizing materials. The results revealed that the paper used to print the lithographic plate is Whatman paper (i.e. wove paper) which is European- made. Rags (both cotton and linen fibers) have been used as a raw material in the creation of this paper. Gelatin and alum have been used as surface sizing materials in the paper support. The presence of calcium carbonate in the paper support is attributed to calcium hydroxide (lime), which was added to the rags during the beating process.