Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Iqbal technique in iLASIK (the quadrilateral technique) for lifting the corneal flap created by intralase femtosecond laser. Design: A prospective nonrandomized clinical trial study.

Methods: 79eyes of 44 patients complaining of myopia and astigmatism were treated with iLASIK using Iqbal technique for lifting the corneal flap from the stromal bed. All eyes were subjected to preoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), manifest refraction, slit lamp examination of anterior segment, keratometry and pachymetry assessed by corneal topographies (Pentacam). All patientswere examined by idesign for customized laser ablation.

Results: This brand new technique was aimed to facilitate the removal of the corneal flap from the stromal bed in a simple and easy manner however,surprisingly enough the author discovered that this technique allowed us to use the minimal energy power 0.85 mJ which was greatly helpful in decreasing the incidence of deep lamellar keratitis and postoperative corneal haze. The technique was found to be simple, safe and easy with rapid learning curve with no recorded complications. On the contrary, the first step in the technique which is complete release of the flap edge from the corneal stromal bed allowed the author to discover any incomplete separation of the edges to deal with it and separated smoothly from the bed without disturbing the uniformity of the flap.

Conclusion: Iqbal technique (quadrilateral technique) showed a good sign in decreasing the power needed for flap creation by the intralase femtosecond laser. Iqbal technique proved to be a promising new simple, effective and safe procedure to lift the corneal flap from the stromal bed and less time consuming than other procedures.