
Objectives: This is a study of patients presented with unilateral chronic suppurative otitis media to know how often there is an abnormality in the other ear in these patients.

Material & Methods: This study was conducted on 46 patients with unilateral chronic suppurative otitis media who were admitted to ear, nose and throat ( ENT ) department, Sohag university hospital for ear surgery.

The contralateral ear was assessed by otoscopy.Investigations included pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and plain x-ray of both mastoids media.

Results: The other ear was normal in 63% of cases, had eustachian obstruction in 24% of cases & with adhesive otitis media in 9% of cases.

Recommendation: This high incidence of contralateral ear disease ( 37% ) makes it our policy to follow up the contralateral ear in patients with unilateral chronic suppurative otitis media for two years.