
Aim of the study is 2 fold: first is to design teaching protocol for nurses working with patient undergoing hemodialysis, and the second is to evaluate the effect of implementing the designed teaching protocol on nurse's knowledge and practice regarding to hemodialysis  patients .Hypotheses:1- The post mean knowledge scores of nurses who will exposed to a designed teaching protocol will be higher than their pre mean knowledge scores.2- The post mean practice scores of nurses who will expose to a designed teaching protocol will be higher than their pre mean practice scores.3- A positive relationship will exist between knowledge and practice scores obtained by nurses receiving the designed teaching protocol       The study will be conducted at kidney dialysis unit of Sohag University Hospital.; data were collected from all nurses working in kidney dialysis unit  (30). Tools utilized were: a) Questionnaire sheet to assess nurses Knowledge in addition to some sociodemographic data. b) Observation check list sheet to assess nurses skills. c)Designed teaching protocol.Results: The first and second hypotheses were supported as a sharp improvement in the mean knowledge & practice scores were found after the application of the teaching protocol. The third hypothesis was supported as a positive correlation between nurse's knowledge and practice scores in immediately and 2 months after application of the teaching protocol.Conclusions: Patients with hemodialysis are at high risk for infection as well as nurses who are dealing with those patients, and they need effective measures to prevent/ reduce infection. Improving nurse's knowledge and practice can favorable affect the incidence and outcome of hemodialysis .The study recommended that continued nursing education and in-service training programs in the kidney dialysis unit should be organized regularly and the nurses should use pre, post nursing teaching guidelines according to protocol for caring with patientundergoing hemodialysis