This study aims to examine the importance of the uvula as a part of palatoplasty outcome and to assess the aesthetic results of the conventional versus a new technique for uvuloplasty.
The study included 2 groups of patients undergoing palatoplasty. Group I consisted of 20 cleft palate patients repaired with the conventional uvula repair, combining the 2 hemi-uvulae. Group II consisted of 20 patients repaired with our new technique, sacrificing one hemi-uvula and centralizing the remaining one. The aesthetic outcome was assessed in both groups. A questionnaire was distributed to the families of both groups to assess their concern about the uvula after palate repair.
Sixty-five percent of parents considered the uvula as important functionally and aesthetically after palate repair whereas 35% either did not care or were not sure about its importance. Results of the aesthetic outcome of the 2 techniques for uvula reconstruction showed that uvula was absent in 4 cases in group I versus 1 in group II (P> .05), small in 8 cases of group I versus 4 in group II (P > .05), bifid in 5 cases of group I versus none in group II (P < .05), became deviated in no case of group I versus 4 in group II (P > .05), and was satisfactory in 3 cases of group I versus 11 in group II (P < .05).
Among the respondents, the uvula was a significant concern to the parents of cleft patients and should be given more attention during repair. The described technique had better aesthetic outcome over the conventional one of combining the 2 hemi-uvulae.