Over the past several years, land application of sewage wastewater has been becoming an increasingly common method of disposing in Egypt. Assessment of the environmentalconsequences of the improper land application of waste disposal in Sohag area is the mainobjective of the present study. Heavy metals were estimated in the soil applied for disposal at twodifferent sites. Groundwater from these sites was chemically and bacteriologically investigated.The results showed that enhanced levels of both total and bioavailable heavy metals areincorporated in the soil. Groundwater is severely affected by the wastewater disposal at the twosites, where elevated concentrations of ammonium (NH 4 + ), nitrate (NO 3 - ) and pathogens aredocumented. Accumulation of these pollutants in the soil and water is a disastrous environmentalproblem being threaten the public health. Such hazard assessment is considered to be crucialscientific tool that enables the local officials and decision-makers to take informed decisions formanaging the hazardous waste-contaminated sites. Geoscientific evaluation of sites planned forwaste disposal is extremely recommended.