Shoot regeneration and isoenzyme expression of Moringa oleifera L. under the influence of cytokinin type and different concentrations of NaCl were studied. Cotyledonary nodal segments obtained from in vitro grown seedlings (initial culture) and nodal segments obtained from their regenerants (first subculture) were subjected to shoot formation on MS medium supplemented with 0.56 mg/l BAP or KIN, for three weeks each. Generally, number of regenerated shoots was higher under the influence of BAP than that of KIN on cotyledonary nodal segments or during the two successive subcultures. On MS with BAP, high number of vigor shoots was associated with the formation of callus on the base of explants. During the initial culture, NaCl exerted negative effect on shoot formation and it increased with the increase of NaCl concentration. The presence of NaCl during the initial culture improved regeneration during the first subculture up to 4 gm/l NaCl and increased the expression of peroxidases, superoxide dismutases and esterases. On the other side, expression of glutamate oxaloactate transaminases was decreased. This indicated that M. oleifera shoots increased the expression of these enzymes to control the negative effect of NaCl on shoot regeneration and growth of regenerated shoots.