This study aimed to identifying the causal virus (es) inducing wilting and necrotic symptoms on broad bean plants. Amplification of total RNA extracted from infected broad bean yielded 200-550 bp using Comovirus-specific primers. The amplified cDNAs was cloned, sequenced and analyzed. Nucleic acid sequence analysis of smallest and biggest bands revealed of 100 and 95% sequence identity with other Red Clover Mottle Virus (RCMV) and Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (AMV) isolates, respectively. Two viruses were isolated and biologically purified by single local lesion method on Phaseolus vulgaris plants. The obtained isolates were mechanically transmitted and has narrow host range included most plants belonging to Fabaceae and Solanaceae. The AMV was aphid transmitted in a non-persistent manner through Myzus persicae and Aphis craccifora. In contrast, RCMV don't transmit. Electron microscopy has revealed presence of AMV particles within the cytoplasm; also, non-aggregated particles packed side by side in the vacuoles of Nicotiana tabaccum var. White Burley cells was showed. On the other hand, spherical particles, about 30 nm in diameter were shown on partially purified RCMV preparations. Biological and molecular properties of the Egyptian isolates from broad bean established its identity as an AMV and RCMV, respectively.