
عثمان عيد الكريم محمد أحمد بقله

استاذ - أستاذ متفرغ

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج شارع كورتيش النيل يرج الدكتور عثمان بقله ناصية شارع همام - الشيخ عطى



مقرر فى التوليد

2018-09-27 09:18:47 |

Anatomy of the female pelvis, including the bony pelvis, the  reproductive organs including the uterus, vagina and ovaries. Anatomy of the other intrapelvic organs like the urinary bladder and rectum.

Physiology of conception and the physiological adaptation of pregnant women to pregnancy.

bleeding during pregnancy, its causes and management.

Some of the medical complications occuring during pregnancy like preeclamptic toxaemea, diabetes, anemia and cardiac diseases.

preterm labor, its causes and consequences.

multifetal pregnancy.

Normal labor, onset and mechanism.



2018-09-27 12:38:27 | مقرر فى التوليد
lectures in obstetrics
Physiology of conception. Maternal adaptation to pregnancy. Normal labor. graphic presentation of labor. bleeding in early pregnancy. Thyroid disease during pregnancy. Antepartum hemorrhage. Complications of the third stage of labor. Heart diseases during pregnancy. Preeclamtic toxaemia. P... إقراء المزيد

Training on obstetric management on mode

2018-09-27 10:11:21 مقرر فى التوليد
The students are trained on the different fetal positions in utero on a model. The students are shown models of fetuses and placentae and how do they exist in different cases. The students are trained on episeotomy types and te إقراء المزيد

الجلسات الاكلينيكيه

2018-09-27 10:18:47 مقرر فى التوليد
The students are trained to take good obstetric history and examine some obstetric cases under the supervision of a staff and to think in differential diagnoses and suggest investigations when required. The students are encourage إقراء المزيد

outpatient clinics sessions

2018-09-27 10:22:49 مقرر فى التوليد
Students are encouraged to attend antenatal clinic as observers to see how are pregnant women dealt with, what are the methods of diagnosing pregnancy in reality, what aare the antenatal advices and investigations. إقراء المزيد

Normal labor

2018-10-01 05:29:21 مقرر فى التوليد


2018-10-01 05:32:49 مقرر فى التوليد
Poepoint presentation to show the principles and value of the partograph. إقراء المزيد