
عثمان عيد الكريم محمد أحمد بقله

استاذ - أستاذ متفرغ

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج شارع كورتيش النيل يرج الدكتور عثمان بقله ناصية شارع همام - الشيخ عطى



Family planning

2018-09-27 09:34:20 |

An idea about the population explosion world wide espescially in developing world with special  focusing about Egypt.

The population pyramid.

  .The different methods of family planning and the merits of each.

Complications of each method.

New development in family plaanning.

Family planning in relation to social and economic national stresses.

Family planning clinic visits

2018-09-27 10:28:22 Family planning
observation of counseling the clients. observing the techniques of insertion of IUCD. observing the techniques of insertion and removal of implants. إقراء المزيد