
د. أحمد السيد محمد خليفة

Lecturer - مدرس علاج الأورام والطب النووي- كلية الطب, استشاري علاج الأورام

Faculty of medicine

Address: 4 شارع التعاون -الأرقم - سوهاج



radiobiogy general and special scheme

2018-09-04 19:25:53 |

this subject deals with radiobiological issues related to radiotherapy discussing the following: strucure of the matter, atoms, electros,...

macromolecules and micromolecules within the cell

effect of radiotherapy and mechanism of cell killing

cell survival curve and parameters

general and systemic radiotherapy effects

protection from radiotherapy

this course planned to be tought within the first semster starting after each registration of new postgraduate candidate for Master degree, this is divided to 8 credit hours,... Read more

lectures and books

2018-09-05 01:34:08 radiobiogy general and special scheme
these are supplements for the course which are considered as sources for candidates Read more

Treatment Planning Considerations for Br

2019-02-14 00:25:23 radiobiogy general and special scheme
General principles of physics and radiotherapy parameters involved in oncology to treat breast cancer Read more