
Alaa- Eldin Hassan Mohamed (Alaa Elsuity)

Professor - Professor of General Surgery

Faculty of medicine

Address: 25 El-Gomhoryia Street- Elmoubarak Tower-Sohag



Undergraduate Course of Thyroid Gland Diseases

2018-10-16 12:12:15 |

This Course include the followings:-

1-Developement of thyroid gland.

2-surgical anatomy, physiology of thyroid gland.

3-Congenital anomalies.

4-thyroid function tests.

5- classification of goitre.

6-Definitions, recognition and interpretation of symptoms, signs, complications, investigations and management of the following thyroid disorders:-

  •  Nodular goitre.
  • Solitary Thyroid Nodule.
  • Retrosternal goitre
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Thyroid Neoplasms.
  • Hashimoto,s thyroiditis.
  • Thyroidectomy.
  • hypothyroidism.
  • Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy.

Pathophysiology of Simple Goitre.

2018-10-16 12:27:28 Undergraduate Course of Thyroid Gland Diseases
This Supplement Include :- 1-Physiology and Hormonal synthesis of thyroid gland. 2-Differentation between different types of simple goitre. 3-Interpretation of Laborat Read more

Thyroid Gland Cold Nodule

2018-10-24 09:41:01 Undergraduate Course of Thyroid Gland Diseases
A lecture is presented to Medical students to clarify the following items:- 1-Anatomy of thyroid gland 2-Pathophysiology of thyroid nodule 3-Cold and hot nodule 4-Thy Read more

Examination of Thyroid

2018-10-24 10:30:46 Undergraduate Course of Thyroid Gland Diseases
Examination of Thyroid in SRB,S CLINICAL METHODS IN SURGERY Text Book, Sriram Bhat M (editor). Ch : 14, page: 322-356.Published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Read more