

مدرس - مدرس الامراض الجلدية والتناسليه

كلية الطب

العنوان: برج التقوي شارع سيتي الدور الثاني




2018-10-22 21:45:15 |

dermatological diseases are desease that can affects skin hair and nail it can be devided into:

infecious diseases as, bacterial infection

fungal infection

mycobacterial infection

viral infection

parasitic infestation

also it can be inflamtory disease like acne vulgaris or psoriasis

and can be immunological disease like vitiligo or lupus erythematosus disease


laser ttt

2018-10-22 22:16:56 dermatology
laser therapy is new immportant way for dermatological proplems it is light amplification of stimulated emmesion of radiation different types with diferent target in skin and different penetraion depth co2 laser used for resurf إقراء المزيد


2018-10-22 22:20:20 dermatology
cosmotology deal with multiple manuvers that aim to immprove cosmetic appearance and counter act aging manifestations like microdermabrasion microneedling mesotherapy injection fillers and botox chemical peeling إقراء المزيد

microderm abrasion

2018-10-22 23:14:10 dermatology
a device used for skin resurfacing by crystal or diamond prop it act by keratolytic effect to remove dead kerationcytes and by negative suction power that inhance circulation إقراء المزيد