Course Objective

To demonstrate knowledge and understanding related to the geophysical methods based on the radioactivity of rocks and minerals and geothermal methods and their application in exploration of natural resources

(Radiometric Method)

Course Outline

I- Principles of Radioactivity

 1- Constituents of the Nucleus

 2- Nuclear Disintegrations

 a- Radioactive Decay Processes

 b- Units

 c- Radioactivity of Rocks and Minerals

II- Radiometric Dating Methods

 1- Potassium-Argon (40K- 40Ar) Method

 2- Rubidium-Strontium (87Rb-87Sr) Method

 3- Uranium-Lead Method (Age of the Earth)

 4- Radiocarbon and Tritium methods

 5- Oxygen Isotopes and Paleoclimates

III- Radioactivity Surveying

 1- Instruments

 2- Field Procedure

 3- Interpretation

 4- Field Examples

(Geothermal Method)
Course Outline

I- Thermal Properties of Rocks

 1- Introduction

2- Thermal Properties of Rocks

II- Terrestrial Heat Flow

 1- Equality of Continental and Oceanic Heat Flow

 2- Regions of Anomalous Heat Flow

 3- Temperatures within the Earth

III-Thermal Prospecting Techniques

1- Heat Flow Measurements

2- Measuring Techniques

3- Geysers

4- Examples of Geothermal Surveys

اسم المقرر: الطرق الاشعاعية و الحرارية الأرضية

الموضوعات التي تم تدريسها

الخواص الاشعاعية للمعادن و الصخور واستخداماتها فى تقديرعمر الارض و الكشف عن الخامات المشعة و مصادر حرارة الارض و تأريخها – طرق الكشف الحرارى و استخداماتها فى البحث عن مصادر الثروات الطبيعية مع إعطاء امثلة تطبيقية. 

Recommended Books

Sharma, (1986), Geophysical methods in Geology

Telford et al (1976), Applied Geophysics

Journal of Near Surface Geophysics