
Emadeldeen Abdallah

Teadching-Assistant -

Faculty of Computers and Information

Address: Sohag



Computer Introduction: حاسبات ومعلومات

2019-10-05 12:41:35 |

Content of Computer Introduction Practical Course:

                1. Windows Part_01
                2. Windows Part_02
                3. Word Part_01
                4. Word Part_02
                5. Excel Part_01
                6. Excel Part_02
                7. PowerPoint Part_01
                8. PowerPoint Part_02
                9. تحميل كتاب الكامل في أوامر الوورد


2019-10-05 12:53:35 Computer Introduction: حاسبات ومعلومات
Windows: 1- Show/hidden 2- dxdiag 3- device manager 4- typing study -> https://www.typingstudy.com/ 5- taskbar/theme 6- partition/folder/file 7- keyboard buttons 8- tab/r Read more