Liver Injury

Liver is the largest organ in abdomen

2nd most common organ injured (35-45%) in BTA

Driving and fighting responsible for 50% of deaths due to liver injury

Usually venous bleeding

85% of all patients with blunt hepatic trauma are stable

CT is the mainstay of diagnosis in stable pt.

Operative m/m


   - Bleeding can be stopped by packing of abdomen

   -Pack removed after 48 hr

   -haemostatic agents

   -34 % survival in packing only

Suturing: -Simple suture

                     -Deep mattress suture

Laceration: -Mesh hepatorrhaphy

                         -Omental flap to cover the laceration

                        - Debridement

Lobar Resection

Liver Transplantation

Ligate or repair damaged blood vessels & bile duct

Mortality of liver injury is 10%