Sohag University
Sohag faculty of medicine
Surgery department Time allowed: 1.5hrs
MD General Surgery Examination
Paper III
Commentary case
A male patient 57 years old, heavy smoker, from Akmem, presented
to Sohag Emergency Department by bleeding per rectum for last 4
hours. Blood was bright red in colour and it was of large amount
( more than one liter as described by his relatives). There was no
history suggesting weight loss , no appetite change, and no altered
bowel habits. Patient is not known to be diabetic.
By examination: patient looked pale, sweaty, with cold extremities,
hypotensive 85/50 mmHg, tachycardia 123 Beats/minute, normal
core temperature. No abdominal tenderness and no distention.
Digital rectal examination revealed blood mixed with stools with
blood clots.