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Dr Ahmed Askalany, Ph.D. is one of the recognized experises in the field of adsorption applications in cooling and water desalinations. Even he has been classified as one of the best 15 scintiests allover the world according to the SciVal (Scopus) in the last 6 years. He has more than 50 published peer reviewed papers either in international journals or conferences. He has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering under a joint superviison beteen Kyushu Universiy, Japan and Assiut Universiy, Egypt at 2014. Since that time he worled at different contries such as Egypt, Germany and UK. He is working as an assistant prof at the faculty of industerial educations, sohag university since 2014 until today. He finshed supervising four master thesises and one Ph.D. besides the ongoings. His interests are in the fields of adsorption cooling, heating and water desalination that can be worked with renewable energy applications.