
Ahmed Mahmoud Mostafa Elsayed Hemaid

Teadching-Assistant - مدرس مساعد

Faculty Of Archaeology

Address: Sohag University, Faculty of Archaeology, Department of Conervtion


Special Informations: Ahmed Mahmoud Mostafa Elsayed Hemaid
Full Name Ahmed Mahmoud Mostafa Elsayed Hemaid
Email ahmed_hemaid@art.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1984-11-08
Faculty Faculty Of Archaeology
Degree Teadching-Assistant
Address Sohag University, Faculty of Archaeology, Department of Conervtion
Current Position مدرس مساعد
Academic Information
General Specialization Restoration and Conservation of inorganic Materials
Specialization Restoration and Conservation of Metallic Artefacts
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic ترميم وصيانة نموذجين من التحف المعدنية الإسلامية بمحتف كلية الآداب جامعة سوهاج
Title of Master's Thesis in English Restoration and Conservation of Two Islamic Metallic Artefacts, Case study at the museum of the Faculty of arts, Sohag University
Supervisory and administrative functions no
Phone 201005359500
Mobile 0201005359500
Twitter URL https://twitter.com/AhmedMo49921801
Google Scholar URL https://scholar.google.it/citations?hl=en&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F6RApEur-7CF7_NNW9ysQ8I6ZTRWy1QfHjlEphnkq7oO848qb1cd4Q_io2oKCLPnI7LRX2AvmcrYINjHxZG4IQNxNPs9FDgTSMc4LxbZhZwMMjkX60&user=w1ahDzQAAAAJ
Linked in URL https://www.linkedin.com/feed/
Research Gate
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