
Ayman Ali Arafa Abdellah

Lecturer - Lecturer at Faculty of Science

Faculty of science

Address: 28 Tawfeek Mohran Lane, Gharb Alhalaja St.


Special Informations: Ayman Ali Arafa Abdellah
Full Name Ayman Ali Arafa Abdellah
Email ayman_arafa@science.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1988-05-27
Faculty Faculty of science
Degree Lecturer
Address 28 Tawfeek Mohran Lane, Gharb Alhalaja St.
Current Position Lecturer at Faculty of Science
Academic Information
General Specialization Pure Mathematics
Specialization Dynamical Systems
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic حول طريقة التحكم السلبى للانظمة المركبة غير الخطية
Title of Master's Thesis in English On Passive Control Method of Complex Nonlinear Systems
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic حول الانظمة المركبة غير الخطية ذات التاخير الزمنى
Title of PhD thesis in English On Complex Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay
Google Scholar URL https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=-vjiiPIAAAAJ&hl=en
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