الاسم بالكامل | تيتــو نعيم يوسف حبيب محمد |
البريد الإلكتروني | titohabib99@science.sohag.edu.eg |
النوع | ذكر |
تاريخ الميلاد | 1961-09-07 |
الكلية | كلية العلوم |
الدرجة الوظيفية | استاذ |
العنوان | سوهاج-ش نور الأسلام (الترعة المردومة) برج الأتحاد الدور الحادي عشر-خلف المستشفي الجامعي |
المنصب الحالي | أستاذ الوراثة والبيولوجية الجزيئية وتقييم المخاطر-قسم علم الحيوان-كلية العلوم، ونقيب العلميين بسوهاج. |
التخصص العام | علم الوراثة |
التخصص الدقيق | الوراثة والبيولوجية الجزيئية |
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة العربية | دراسات بيئية وكيمياء خلوية علي أحدي عديدات الدروع المصرية في منطقة البحر الأحمر. |
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة الإنجليزية | Ecological and Cytochemical studies on one of the Egyptian polyplacophorans in the Red Sea. |
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة العربية | أستخدام الدلالات الوراثية لتقييم المخاطر البيئية المستحدثة بالتلوث البيئي. |
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية | The Use of Genetic Biomarkers for the Environmental Risk Assessment induced by Pollution. |
الوظائف الإشرافية و الإدارية | رئيس لجنة تسيير المقررات الدراسية من 2015 وحتي تاريخه-عضو مجلس كلية العلوم 2016-2017م-نقيب العلميين بسوهاج 2017-2021. |
رقم الهاتف | 934593024 |
الفاكس | 934601159 |
رقم الجوال | 01013793306 |
رابط صفحة الفيس بوك | https://www.facebook.com/tito.habib.92 |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?hl=ar&user=IoHwYzYAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F6MVWJpkr1G4RnZ5GRjyRFWWbwrjc0qtORLLP1Va4Ew2-trzzKOAWU1T-Uswgi1WXQA8qh9v5tDo2hQdUZVTMaQJeRvJPJ5m-VxlC1CqI7jAlp7b5ywDfYmc4xMApuyBJVqIb2WF5sGL_7Ek-7XtLfnNSdY1rYCTISHDd7uPjCITzuybVo |
Linked | |
Research Gate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tito_Habib2 |
EKP بنك المعرفة المصري |
Sohag University Faculty of Science
Name |
Tito Naeem Youssif Habib |
Date of birth |
7/9/1961 |
Gender |
Male |
Nationality |
Egyptian |
Academic Rank |
Prof. Dr. |
Graduation year |
1984 |
Graduation Awarding University |
Assiut University |
M.Sc. Awarding University |
Assiut University |
Graduation year |
1992 |
Ph.D. Awarding University |
South Valley Univ., / Texas A& M Univ., USA |
Graduation year |
1999 |
Major Specialization |
Zoology |
Minor Specialization |
Genetics & Molecular Biology |
How to Contact |
Work address |
Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt. |
Tele. (work) |
002-093- 601949 internal office (2538) 002-093- 601807 internal Lab (2156) |
Fax. |
002-093- 601950 |
E- Mail |
titohabib99@yahoo.com & titohabib99@science.sohag.edu.eg |
Scientific Qualifications
Degree |
Date |
Awarding University |
1. |
Bachelor of Science (Zoology) |
25/5/1984 |
Sohag Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. |
2. |
Master of Science |
22/11/1992 |
Sohag Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. |
3. |
Doctorate of philosophy of Science |
4/1/1999 |
Sohag Fac. Sci., South Valley Univ. |
Academic Appointments
Degree |
Date |
1. |
Demonstrator |
02/03/1986 |
2. |
Ass. Lecturer |
27/12/1992 |
3. |
Lecturer |
22/02/1999 |
4. |
Ass. Prof. |
25/06/2007 |
5. |
Prof. Dr. |
27/07/2016 |
M. Sc. Thesis Title |
Ecological and Cytochemical studies on one of the Egyptian polyplacophorans in the Red Sea. |
Ph.D. Thesis Title |
The use of Genetic Biomarkers for the Environmental Risk Assessment induced by Pollution. |
Published and Accepted Papers for Publication
1. Tito N. Habib, El-Sabry Abu Amra, Ahmed R.H. Ahmed, Gehad S. Mokhtar (2023): Antitumor Potential Effect of Graviola Leaves Extracts on the MDAMB-231 Cell Line. S. J. Sci., 8(1): 47-52. https://dx.doi.org/10.21608/SJSCI.2022.160133.1030.
2. Sary KH. Abdel- Ghaffar, Mohamed F. El-Sayed, Tito N. Habib, Safaa SH.Abd El-Rahium (2022): Date palm pollen and silymarin administration protect the splenic structure against diclofenac sodium-induced toxicity in the female rat. S. J. Sci., 7( 3): 189-193. https://dx.doi.org/10.21608/sjsci.2022. 157073.1024.
3. Sary KH. Abdel-Ghaffar, Mohamed F. El-Sayed, Tito N. Habib, Mohamed Ali El-Sayed (2022): The protective and ameliorative role of date palm pollen and vitamin C against gastric toxicity induced by bisphenol-A in the male albino rat. S. J. Sci., 7( 3): 183-187. https://dx.doi.org/10.21608/sjsci. 2022. 157065.1023.
4. El-Sabry Abu Amra, Soheir A. Abd El Raheem, Tito N. Habib, Hossam A. AboElkhair (2022): Protective effect of bradykinin potentiating factor on the haematological parameters of diabetic male albino rats. S. J. Sci., 7(2): 105- 114. Doi: 10.21608/ sjsci.2022.234309.
5. Habib, T.N., Amin G.S., Hussien A.A., Salama M.S., Altonsy M.O., Mahmiud M.E. (2021): Changes in RAPD-DNA Markers and Plasma Protein Profile in Progesterone-Treated Chicken. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 9(9): 477-483. Doi: 10.12691/jfnr-9-9-4.
6. Habib, T.N. (2020): Extended Abstract. Proteomics Congress 2018: Genes and the Environment: The Science of Epigenetics. J. Clinical Epigenetics, 6(2).
7. Habib, T.N., El-Sayed, M.F., Ali, F.M., Almsatar, T.M. (2019): Marine Pollution of Chemicals Detergents Contamination Induced Apoptosis and Necrosis in Fish Liver Sardina aurita by Flow Cytometry DNA Measurements. J. Biotechnology Research, 5(11):113-122.
8. Habib, T.N., El-Sayed, M.F., Ali, F.M., Almsatar, T.M. (2019): RAPD-Contaminant Indicative Bands Induced by Sodium Lauryl Sulfate of Economic Sardina Aurita Fish from Libyan Coasts. J. Biotechnology Research, 5(8):69-76.
9. Habib, T.N., Hassan, H.A., Ali, F.M., Mahrous, N.S. (2019): Evaluation of Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion venom anticancer potential against Prostate Cancer Cell Lines (PC3). J. Environ. Stud., 19: 7-13.
10. Tito N. Habib, Hekmat O Abdel-Aziz, Eman E Ragab (2018): Zinc oxide nanoparticles induced histological, histochemical, and genotoxicity effects in the kidney of adult male rabbits. J. Ecosys. Ecograph., (8): 44. Doi: 10.4172/2157-7625-C2-036.
11. Habib, T.N., Altonsy, M.O., Abd El-Raheem, S.A., Bakeer, Y.R. (2016): Diallyl disulfide protects against rectal cancer in vivo model of male rabbits: II-Analysis of histological and cytogenetic variations. J. Cancer Res. Experim. Oncology, 8(1): 1-14.
12. Rahoud, S.A., Algarni, A.A., Habib, T.N., Mergui, A., et al., (2015): Evaluation of Genetic Polymorphisms in CD36 Gene and Other Co-factors in Al-Baha Population with Myocardial Infarction Disease. Merit Res. J. Microbiol. Biol. Sci., 3(2): 20-27. http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/ mbs/index.htm.
13. Altonsy, M.O., Habib, T.N., Hassanain E.A., Mokhtar, G.S. (2015): Diallyl Disulfide Protects against Colon Cancer in vitro, of HT-29 Cells and Male Rabbits of Colon Cancer Model: An Analysis of Genetic and Epigenetic Variations. Molecular Biology, 4(3): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2168-9547. 1000136.
14. Almsatar, T.M., Habib, T.N., El-Sayed, M.F. (2014): Ecological significance indicators for estimation of DNA quantity and purity by the use of RAPD technique for Sardina aurita fish at Libyan coastal areas. Inter. J. Develop. Sustain., 3 (6): 1317-1325.
15. Altonsy M.O., Habib, T.N., Andrews, S.C. (2012): Diallyl disulfide-induced apoptosis in a breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) can be attributed to inhibition of histone deacetylation. Nutrition and Cancer, 64(8): 1251-1260. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 01635581.2012.721156.
16. Badawy B.S., Mohammed A.A., Ramadan H.S., Habib, T.N. (2010): Role of Microsatellites Instability in Carcinogenesis of Postcricoid Carcinoma on Top of Plummer-Vinson Syndrome. Indian J. Otolaryngol., Head Neck Surg., 62(4):417–420. DOI 10.1007/s12070-010-0111-8.
17. Habib T.N., Mohammed A.J., Salama S.M., and Aboul Gasem A.F. (2009): Genetic Aberrations as Severity Markers in Rheumatoid Arthritis. The 3rd National Conference on Basic Science, Gharian, Libya.
18. Habib T.N., Salama M.S., and Aboul Gasem A.F. (2009): The Role of Microsatellite Instability in the Prognosis of some Head and Neck Cancers. The 5th National Conference of Biotechnology. Subrata, Libya.
19. Abou-Elhamd K.A., Habib, T.N. (2009): Response to the comments by Gandolfo et al. on “The flow cytometric analysis of premalignant and malignant lesions in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma published on oral oncology”. Oral Oncology, 44(1):102. Doi:10.1016/j.oraloncology.2007.08.004.
20. Abou-Elhamd K.A., Habib. T.N., Abd-Elmateen M., Badawy S. B. (2008): The Role of Genetic Susceptibility in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol, 265:217–222. Doi: 10.1007/s00405-007-0436-4.
21. Abou-Elhamd K.A., Habib, T.N. (2008): The Role of Chromosomal Aberrations in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol, 265: 203-207. Doi: 10.1007/s00405-007-0420-z.
22. Abou-Elhamd K.A., Habib, T.N. (2007): The flow cytometric analysis of premalignant and malignant lesions in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncol., 43(4):366-372. Doi:10.1016/j. oraloncology.2006.04.005.
23. Habib, T.N., Salama M.S. (2006): Role of Loss of Heterozygosity and Microsatellites' Instability in Susceptibility and Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis. J. Union Arab Biol., 26 (A):15-25.
24. Khedre A.M., Habib, T.N. (2005): The Inheritance Patterns and Occurrence of Spontaneous Mutations in the Eye Colour of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Egypt. J. Zool., 45. 225-243.
25. El-Sawi N. M., Habib, T.N. (2004): The Genetic Susceptibility of Male Mice exposed to Verrucarin J Toxin. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. 45C: 307-326.
26. El-Nadi N.A., Sharaf Z.A., Habib, T.N. (2004): Pediculus humanus capitis as a Potential Transmitter for Hepatitis C Virus. S. V. Med. J., (8) No. (2) 335342.
27. Hussein A.A., Habib, T.N. (2004): The Detection of Genomic Instability by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) in Patients with Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 43C: 197-208.
28. Habib, T.N., Hussein A.A., Lashein F.M. (2002): Involvement of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) genotypes in Susceptibility of Grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella to Aflatoxin B1. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 39C; 533547.
29. Habib, T.N., El-Sawi N.M., Mohamed Z.M. (2002): The Antitumor Effects of the Egyptian Nigella sativa L. Oil induced by Microcystine-LR in Male Mice. J. Union Arab Biol., 17(A): Zoology, 451-556.
30. Habib, T.N., Hussein A.A. (2002): The Role of BRCA1 gene mutations in Patients with Breast Cancer. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 43C; 59-76.
Scientific Conferences
Conference Title |
Place |
Date |
The annual conference of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science |
Kingsville (Kenjsval), Texas, USA. |
9-11/03/2000. |
The annual International Conference (IX) of Arabs biologists. |
Aleppo, Rehab University, SYRIA. |
1-6/09/2002. |
The annual International Conference (xiv) of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology. |
El-Arish City, Sinai, EGYPT. |
28/02/2004 To 4/03/2004. |
The annual International Conference (II) of the Egyptian Society for Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences "Technology and Sustainable Development". |
Al Baath University, Homs, SYRIA. |
12-13/10/2004 |
5th National Conference of Biotechnology in collaboration with the African Institute for the treatment of tumors. |
City of Sabratha, LIBYA. |
21-23/03/2009. |
3rd National Conference of basic science under the "basic science basis of creativity". |
Gharyan, College of Science, University of West-Mountain, LIBYA. |
25-27/04/2009. |
10th International Conference of the Egyptian Society for Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences. |
Istanbul, Turkey. |
23-28/07/2011. |
1st Forum for researchers involved research projects agency acceptable for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research of the academic year 2013-2014. |
Albaha University, Al-Baha, KSA. |
16/01/2014. |
1st Forum of Thermal technology solutions to detect archaeological elements (Chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis by HPLC/ GC). |
Thermo-Scientific, Golden Tulip Hotel, Al-Baha, KSA. |
11/01/2015. |
The workshop entitled "Measuring the output of scientific research and the factors affecting the productivity of research at the University of Baha and ways of developing" |
Hall Grand, Administration Building, Albaha University, Al-Baha, KSA. |
10/03/2015. |
The 1st annual Scienc Day-Faculty of Science, Sohag University, EGYPT. |
Faculty of Science, Sohag, EGYPT. |
20/04/2016 |
The 2nd annual Scienc Day-Faculty of Science, Sohag University, EGYPT. |
Faculty of Science, Sohag, EGYPT. |
22/04/2017 |
The International Scientific conference of Scientific Syndate "River Nile: A Life Line" |
Sonesta Hotel, Naser City, Cairo, EGYPT |
25-26/03/2017 |
The International Scientific conference of Scientific Syndate "The role of Scientist in progress and sustainable Development of Egypt " |
Guard Hotel, Naser City, Cairo, EGYPT |
23-24/12/2017 |