
Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Hassan Sorour

استاذ - رئيس قسم علوم الاغذية والتغذية

كلية الزراعة

العنوان: 9 شارع تقسيم الطرابيشى - فريال-اسيوط


المعلومات الشخصية: Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Hassan Sorour
الاسم بالكامل Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Hassan Sorour
البريد الإلكتروني
النوع ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد 1961-12-10
الكلية كلية الزراعة
الدرجة الوظيفية استاذ
العنوان 9 شارع تقسيم الطرابيشى - فريال-اسيوط
المنصب الحالي رئيس قسم علوم الاغذية والتغذية
البيانات الأكاديمية
التخصص العام علوم الاغذية والتغذبة
التخصص الدقيق كيمياء وتكنولوجيا الحبوب
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة العربية باثير العمليات التكنولوجية على بعض المحتويات السامة فى بعض الاغذية
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة الإنجليزية Effect of technological processes on some toxic contents in certain foodstuffs
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة العربية دراسات على خفض محتوى حمض الفيتيك فى الخبز المصرى بواسطة طرق تخمر مختلفة
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية Studies on the reduction of phytic acid contents in Egyptian bread by different fermentation methods
الوظائف الإشرافية و الإدارية رئيس قسم ومشرف علمى على وحدة المخبوزات والتصنيع الغذائى
رقم الهاتف 1006895507
الفاكس 932287558
رقم الجوال 01006895507
رابط صفحة الفيس بوك
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Sohag University

Faculty of Agriculture                                                               

Department of Food Science and Nutrition



Ph D. Mohamed A. Sorour

Professor of Food Science and Nutrition


Full Name:  Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Hassan Sorour

Nationality: Egyptian

Date of Birth10-12-1961

Sex:  Male

Paramount address:  Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of             Agriculture, Sohag University.

Telephone:    01006895507(Mobil)

                     01121911585 (mobil)


Fax:    093-2287558


Present Employment: Professor and head of food science & nutrition department, faculty of Agriculture, Sohag university.

Starting Date of Present Employment: 30/6/2008

Previous Employments:

  • Professor and head of food sciences and nutrition in faculty of Agriculture at Sohag University (2008 at now)
  • Vice-Dean of community and environmental affairs (2009 -2012).
  • Associated professor of food science in faculty of Agriculture in Sohag University (2003-2008)
  • Lecturer in faculty of Agriculture in Sohag University (1999-2003)
  • Researcher in Agriculture Research Center (1997–1999)
  • Associated Researcher in Agriculture Research Center (1991–1997)
  • Agricultural technician in Agriculture Research Center (1989–1991)

Academic Professional Qualification with Dates:

- Ph. D. in Agriculture Science (food science), Assiut Univ., 1997. (Studies on the reduction of phytic acid contents in Egyptian bread by different fermentation methods)

- M. Sc. in Agriculture Science (food science), Assiut Univ., 1989. (Effect of technological processes on some toxic contents in certain foodstuffs).

- B.Sc. in Agriculture Science (food science), Assiut Univ., 1984

Practical Experiences:

-Teaching undergraduate courses of Biochemistry in faculty of Agriculture at Sohag and its branch at Qena (1999-2013).

-Teaching undergraduate courses of Biochemistry in faculty of Science at Sohag (2001-2005).

-Teaching undergraduate courses of Biochemistry in faculty of Education at Sohag (2001-2005).

- Teaching undergraduate courses of Food sciences in faculty of Agriculture at Sohag and its branch at Qena (1999-2006).

- Teaching post graduate courses ( Metabolic biochemistry, food quality and safety, basic and advanced food sciences courses, cereal chemistry and technology courses).

- -Supervising Master and Ph.D thesis in Food Science and Technology at Assiut and El-Minia Universites.

-Carrying researches in the field of Food Biochemistry and Food Sciences as described later in publications

Scientific mission in Japan

Accomplishment of scientific mission to department of food science and technology in Tokyo university of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, from 13 November 2006 to 5 May 2007.

Special training courses:

Attend titled "spectral analysis devices" Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis continuous course of Chemical Education program in the period from September 9 to 14, 2000 AD, which was organized by the Division of Chemistry Syndicate of Scientific Professions Cairo.

Seminars and Conferences (newest first):

  1. Fifth Saudi Conference for Science, "a new vision of the role of basic science in development" during the period from 16 to 18 April 2012 m (25-27 June 1433 e) Faculty of Applied Science at the University of Umm Al Qura - Mecca (research associate)
  2. International Congress of Animal Science and Food Safety, held at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine State of Romania during the period from April 22 to 23, 2010 AD - Iasi - Romania (research associate)
  3. Second Conference of Minya Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, "Agriculture and Development Prospects" dated March 22 to 24, 2010 AD, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University - Egypt (Associate listener)
  4. Fifth International Conference "Towards food security in Egypt" at the University of Beni Suef held on 12.28.2009 m (listener).
    5. Third International Date Palm Conference Faculty of Agriculture in El-Arish, in the period of 25 to 27 April 2008 (listener)
    6. The first Egyptian-Syrian Conference for Agriculture and Food in the Arab world Faculty of Agriculture, University of Minya 8 to 11 December 2003 m- Minya (Associate listener)
  5. Fourth Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut in the period from December 7 to 9, 2004, Assiut University (Associate listener).
  6. The role of universities in the modernization of the food industry in Egypt, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 23 to 24 November 2004 m - Cairo Conference (Associate listener)
  7. Arab Mansoura Second Conference of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and dairy Mansoura in the period from March 22 to 24, 2005-Mansoura University (Associate take a look)
  8. Almatmraty second on future trends in Food Science and Nutrition - National Research Center 27 to 29 November 2005 m (Post a listener).
    11. The first conference of Minya Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and queens in the period from March 25 to 28, 2002, University of Minya (Associate listener).
  9. First Arab Conference Mansoura for Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and dairy Mansoura in the period from October 1 to 3, 2002, University of Mansoura (participant and anti-dumping research titled nutrition and digestion of protein in some common pulses and the impact of industrialization and microwave cooking transactions).
  10. First Mansoura for Food Science and Technology and Dairy Conference - Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura in the period from October 17 to 19, 2000 - Mansoura University (Associate throwing research titled mineral content of some local bread varieties)
  11. Second Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut in the period from October 28 to 30, 2000 - Assiut University (Associate listener).

Scientific Societies:

Member of the Egyptian Society of Food Science and Technology since 1990 and yet the membership number (628).

Community participation in research projects and projects of quality:
1. Participation in the research team for the project "commercial production of Anoctol phosphate (phytic acid) by his rice" "Commercial-scal Production of Functional Inositol Polyphosphates from Rice bran Institute for Studies and Research sugar technology - Assiut University in conjunction with the US side in a high quality food processing research Southern Regional Research "New Orleans" Center - US Department of Agriculture as of 08.04.2001 till 30.11.2001.
3. member of the executive team for project quality QAAP college starting from 2005/2006 until the project 2007/2008  expiration.

  1. Member of the Board of Directors Project of CIQAP as of 2009 – 2012.
    5. Chairman of the Community Participation and Environmental Development in Project of CIQAP of our college as of 2009 – 2012.

  List of publications:

  • Mohamed A. Sorour, Abdallah S. Abdel-Gawad, Abuelhamed E. Mehanni and Refat E. Oraby (2018). Enzymatic degradation of phytic acid in low-calorie bread with different sources of phytases. 8thInternational Conference for Sustainable Agricultural Development 5-7 March 2018.
  • Abul-Hamd E Mehanni, Mohamed A. Sorour, Hussien Abd El-Galel and Walaa K Ahmed (2017) Polyphenols, Tannins and Phytate Contents in Some Egyptian Legumes as Affected by Soaking and Germination Processes, BAOJ Food Sci&Tec. Volume 1: issue1: 005
  • Mohamed A Sorour; Bolbol R Ramadan; Abulhamd E Mehani & Naglaa Abdel-Sabour (2016) Nutritional and Chemical Composition of Siwi Date Pits (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences,Vol.5(4).
  • M.A, Mehanni.A.E , Taha.E.M& Rashwan.A.K.(2016). Changes of total phenolics, tannins, phytate and antioxidant activity of two sorghum cultivars as affected by processing. Second Mansoura Internationa. Congress(New trends in food Sci.&Techn). Mansoura and Aswan, 21-25 Nov.2016.
  • Mohamed A. Kelany Bolbol R. Ramadan and Mohamed A. Sorour (2015). Utilization of cereal grain fractions to improve oxidative stability of beef burgers under chilled storage. Turkey Natural Nutrition and Lifelong Health Summit, 2015 Conference Paper  May 2015
  • Eman Taha, Salah Abouelhawa, Mohamed El‐Geddawy, Mohamed Sorour, Felix Aladedunye and Bertrand Matthäus (2014). Stabilization of refined rapeseed oil during deep‐fat frying by selected herbs. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2014, 116, 771–779
  • Ramadan, B.R.; A. Sorour and M. A. M. Kelany(2013). Effect of cereal grain by-products addition on oxidative stability of chicken burgers during storage. Wudpecker Journal of food technology. Vol.1 (6), pp 104-107, September.
  • Ramadan, B.R.; A. Sorour and M. A. M. Kelany(2012). Changes in total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity during domestic processing of some cereal grains. J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 3 (11): 613 - 621, 2012
  • Sorour, M. A.; Abouelhawa, S. H.; El-Geddawy, M. A.; Taha, E. M. and Bertrand Matthäus (2012). Stabilization of refined rapeseed oil during deep-fat frying by different plant materials. The fifth Saudi science conference “A new vision of the role of basic science development” April 16-18, 2012(25-27 Jumad II, 1433 H).College of applied, Um Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Ragab, W.S.M.; Ramadan, B. R.; Sorour M.A and Abdel-Sabour A. (2011). Physical and chemical changes in fruits of three dates palm (phoenix dactylifera L.) grown in south valley, Egypt. J. of Agric.Sci. Mansoura Univ. 2 (11): 2090-3650.
  • Taha, E. M. ; Marsiod, A.; Abouelhawa, S. H.; El-Geddawy, M. E.; Sorour, M. A.; Bertrand, M.  (2010). Antioxidant activity of extracts from six different Sudanese plant material. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 112, No.(11), 1263-1269.
  •  Sorour, M.A. and Ohshima, T. (2010). Inhibitory effects of phytic acid as a natural antioxidant in prevention of fish oil peroxidation. Lucrări Ştiinţifice - vol. 53, Seria Zootehnie. Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Iaşi, Romania.
  • Abdel-aal, H.A., Iskander, M.H., Sorour, M.A. and Abbas, A.A. (2010). Physical and functional properties of sweet potato flourand starch. Minia 2nd Agric. & Environ. Science, March 22-24, Fac. Agric., Minia University.
  • Iskander, M.H; Hammam, A.M; Sorour, M.A.H.and A.A.. Mehanni (2009).Effect of Storage period and Antioxidants treatment on Physiochemical Characteristics and Stability of Cottonseed and Canola oils. J. of Environmental Studies. Sohag University, Vol.1: 55-64.
  • Abd-El Rahman, A. M.; Abd El Khair, A.A. and Sorour, M. A. (2008). Awareness knowledge about food quality requirement among rural women at sohag governorat. J. of scientific society of agricultureal extention, Vol. 12, No. 3: 62-85.
  • Sorour, M. A. H. (2007). A comparison between phytic acid and ascorbic acid influence on the oxidative stability of chicken oil during storage. LA RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLE SOSTSNZE GRASSE LXXXIV: 229-236, OCTOBER/DECEMBER 2007.
  • Sorour, M. A. H. (2007). Changes of total hydroperoxides, TBARS and oxygen absorption during storage of fish oil treated with natural phytic acid and vitamin C. Annals Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ.,Cairo, 52 (2)403-411.
  • Hussein, A.S.I.; A.H. Sorour and B.R. Ramadan (2003). Biological and sensory evaluation of biscuits fortified with protein and β-caroteene rich sources. Proc. 1st Egypt. & Syr. Conf. For Agric. & Food, El Minia: Dec. 8-11, 2003, Vol. 1 No 2, (635-645).
  • Iskander, M.H; Hammam, A.M; Sorour, M.A.H.and A.E. Mehanni (2007). Effect of frying process of some vegetables on physical and chemical characteristics of cottonseed and canola oils. LA RIVISTA ITALIANA D ELLE SOSTSNZE GRASSE LXXXIV NO 3: 164-172-JULY/SEBTEMBER 2007.
  • Sorour, M. A. H.; Fahmy, H.A. and B.R. Ramadan (2007). Effect of Soaking, germination and microwave cooking on flatulence-causing oligosaccharides of certain legumes. Assiut J. of Agric. Sci., Vol.38 (4): 37-48.
  • Hussein, M.R.; Abd El-Aziz, M. A.; Ahmed, S.; Omran, F. and M.A. Sorour (2006). The biochemical changes associated with phytic acid induced breast proliferative lesions in rats. Cancer Biology & Therapy, Vol. 5 Issue 9: 1-5
  • Sorour, M. A. H; Abou-El-Hawa,S.H.; El-Geddawy, M.A.H. and E.M.M Abdel-Zaher (2006). Fortification of biscuit with soybean and sunflower protein concentrates low in antinutrional factors. Assiut J. of Agric. Sci., Vol.37, No 2: 113-125.
  • Sorour, M.A.H; El-Geddawy, M.A.H.; Abou-El-Hawa,S.H. and E.M.M Abdel-Zaher (2005). Effect of domestic processing and microwave heating on phosphorus compounds and Phytate content in some oil seeds. The 2nd Arab Mansoura Conf. of Food and Dairy Sci. & Tech. 22-24 March  Of Agric., Mansoura Univ.,p.119-131
  • El-Geddawy,A.H.; Sorour, M.A.H.; Abou-El-Hawa,S.H. and E.M.M Abdel-Zaher(2004).  Effect of domestic processing and microwave heating on phenolic compounds and tannins in some oil seeds. The 4th Scientific Conf. of Agric. Sci. 7-9Dec. Fac. Agric. Assiut Univ. Assiut p. 143-152.
  • Abd El-Khair.A. A. and A. Sorour (2003). Effect of wheat germination and processing on phytic acid and minerals contents in Egyptian Kishk. Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Dev., 23(2): 221-241.
  • Sorour, M.A.H. and B.R. Ramadan (2002). Effect of chemical treatment and tortilla processing on tannin content and protein digestibility of two Egyptian    sorghum cultivars. Zagazig J. of Agric. Res., 29 (5): 1665-1677.
  • Sorour, M.A.H. (2002). Antinutritional factors and protein digestibility of some common legumes as affected by processing and microwave treatment. First Arab Mansoura Conf. of Food and Dairy Sci. & Tech. Fac. Of Agric., Mansoura ,p. 209-218.
  • Hussein, A.S.I.; B.R. Ramadan and A.H. Sorour (2002). Biochemical and          nutritional evaluation of Egyptian Balady bread fortified with iron, protein and ß- carotene rich sources. Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Dev., 22(4): 319-335.
  • Sorour, M.A.H.; B.R. Ramadan and A.S.I. Hussein (2001). Changes of phytase  activity, phytates and minerals content during germination and fermentation of two mungbean cultivars.  Assiut J. of Agric. Sci., 32 (3): 87-100.
  • Ramadan, B.R. ; A.H.Sorour and A.S.I. Hussein (2001). Effect of germination on phytochemical screening, rheological and bread-making properties of mungbean.  Assiut J. of Agric.Sci., 32 (4): 153-166
  • Abdel-Gawad, A.S.; Sorour, M.A.H.; Khorshid, A.M. and M.K.Farag (2000). Phytic acid in wheat and its destruction in baking. 1- Phytic acid in wheat milling fractions and its fermentative reduction during Egyptian Balady breadmaking. The 2nd scientific Conf. of Agric. Sci., Assiut, Oct. 2000 p.1079-1092.
  • Sorour, M.A.H. ; A.H. Mahmoud and E.M. Khalil (2000). Nutrient element    contents of certain local bread varieties. First Mansoura Conf. of Food Sci. and DairyTech., 17-19 October. p.81-91
  • Ragab, W.S.M.; A.H.Sorour and E.A.Abd El-Raheim (2000). Characterization of partially purified phytase from rice bran.  J. of Agric.Sci. Mansoura Univ. 25 (4): 2117-2188.
  • Abdel-Gawad, A.S.; El-Rify, M.N. ;El-Gedawy,M.A.H. and A.Sorour (1990). Changes in the nitrate and nitrite contents of selected Egyptian vegetables during   storage and processing. Assiut J. of Agric. Sci..21(5): 49-64.