
Shereen Philip Aziz Ibrahim

Assistant Professor - Ass. Prof. of hematology, Clinical Pathology department

Faculty of medicine

Address: Sohag- Elgomhoria street


Special Informations: Shereen Philip Aziz Ibrahim
Full Name Shereen Philip Aziz Ibrahim
Gender Female
birth date 1975-11-03
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree Assistant Professor
Address Sohag- Elgomhoria street
Current Position Ass. Prof. of hematology, Clinical Pathology department
Academic Information
General Specialization Clinical Pathology
Specialization Hematology
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic عامل النمو المحول - α فى تشخيص سرطان الكبد
Title of Master's Thesis in English Transforming growth factor- α in Diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic دراسة جين سال 4 فى ابيضاض الدم الحاد
Title of PhD thesis in English The study of SALL4 gene in acute leukemia
Supervisory and administrative functions --Supervision of the Hematology Unit which includes :- Haemostasis unit, Bone Marrow unit, Hematology instruments unit and Flowcytometer Unit. --Participation in observation and supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate examination. --Supervision of master and MD thesis.-- Participation in teaching and evaluation the course of clinical pathology.
Phone 934678151
Mobile 01227848855
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