
Hosam farouk abdelhameed

Professor - Assistant professor General surgery

Faculty of medicine

Address: 2 amin elkhateeb st. haram Giza


Special Informations: Hosam farouk abdelhameed
Full Name Hosam farouk abdelhameed
Email hossam_abdelhameed@med.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1964-02-24
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree Professor
Address 2 amin elkhateeb st. haram Giza
Current Position Assistant professor General surgery
Academic Information
General Specialization General surgery
Specialization GIT Surgery
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic تغيرات الغشاء المبطن للمعده فى حاله ارتفاع ضغط الدم فى الوريد البابى
Title of Master's Thesis in English Gastropathy in portal hypertension
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic التقييم الثلاثى لكتل الثدى المحسوسه
Title of PhD thesis in English Triple assessment of palpable breast lumps
Supervisory and administrative functions لايوجد
Phone 932114761
Mobile 01150040229
Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/hosam.srogy
Google Scholar URL
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Research Gate
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